He’d opened himself up to her in a way she’d never expected. Laid himself bare and vulnerable. And it touched her to her core to know he wanted her enough to risk the pain, the hurt, the rejection.

He was willing to risk everything for love.

And so was she. Right here, right now. She leaned forward, cupping her palm against the roughness of his jaw, feeling the heat of his skin leach into her own. “I love you, James Tanner,” she whispered. “I want us to be your family.”

He reached up, covering her hand with his own. “Thank god,” he whispered, leaning forward until his lips were only inches from hers. “I was considering kidnap.”

His words were warm against her mouth. She closed her eyes, smiling hard. Then she felt the brush of his lips against hers and the curl of his hand around her neck, the sensation sending sparks down her spine.

Her whole body tightened at his touch. It was gratifying to know things still worked. That she could still feel desire, need, overwhelming love. Maybe stronger than she ever had before.

“James,” she murmured as he broke their kiss, his eyes still capturing hers.

“Yeah?” he muttered, swallowing hard, as though he was as overcome by the sensations as she was.

“Alyssa’s watching us,” Harper murmured, looking at Alyssa’s face in the mirror aimed at her carseat.

He grinned. “She can’t see this far. Not yet.” He kissed her again, his lips curling against hers.

“She will soon. We better be careful.”

“She’ll get used to me not being able to keep my hands off her mom. Or she’d better.” He winked.

Harper laughed, shaking her head, and took a deep breath to center herself. “We don’t want her to think it’s normal to make out in cars.”

A look of alarm shot across his face. “No.” He nodded solemnly. “We most certainly don’t. She won’t be making out in cars, not ever. Or anywhere else for that matter.”

“It’s okay, Alyssa, I’ll help you sneak out when you’re a teenager,” Harper mock-whispered to the baby. “Daddy will never know.”

“Daddy will. For sure.”

Alyssa let out a cry. “She’s hungry,” Harper told him.

“Yeah, we should get going.” He reluctantly released her.

“I think we’re ready. Why don’t you take us home?”


“There,” Harper said, pulling the tiny hat over Alyssa’s head. “Now we’re ready for the beach.” She looked down at the huge bag full of things she’d packed for the baby. Towels and blankets nestled next to bottles and diapers, along with a change of clothes and sunscreen to protect the baby from the California rays. “You ready to feel some sand between your toes?” she asked her.

Alyssa blinked as she looked up at Harper. She wasn’t quite babbling yet, but she always looked as though she understood everything her mommy said.

“Oh look, we nearly forgot Ned.” Harper grabbed the tiny teddy bear Alice had sent for the baby when they’d told her of the birth. Sara’s family hadn’t been back to Angel Sands since that disastrous trip a few months ago, but James had sent them photographs of Alyssa and they’d sent a card congratulating them both.

Unlike her own grandma and mother, who hadn’t even acknowledged the birth announcement Harper had sent them. She was surprised to find it didn’t hurt. Not one bit.

Because they weren’t her family; not any more. Now that she had Alyssa and James, she knew what the word really meant. It was about caring, loving, always putting the other person first. Something her grandmother and mother had never done.

Stuffing the teddy into the bag, Harper slung it across her shoulder, cradling Alyssa in her other arm. She turned to walk out of her daughter’s room, but Alyssa lifted her hand. “What’s that, sweetie?” she asked her.

Harper looked up in the direction of her daughter’s gesture, her eyes catching the framed photograph of baby Jacob hanging on the wall. “That’s Jacob. Your big brother. One day Daddy’s going to tell you all about him.”

“All about who?” James asked, walking into the room. He took the bag from Harper’s shoulders and slid it over his own. “The basement’s all finished. I just signed off on it.”

“It’s done?” Harper smiled at him, her heart leaping.

“Yep. All ready for when you want to start back at work. Everything’s baby-proofed and the crib and play area are ready. I’ll give you the tour w