Rich blinked. “What if this is it? What if she never mentions it again? Are you going to just keep on like this?”

James’s chest clenched. The thought of not being able to touch her, to hold her, to curl his body around hers again until he wasn’t sure where he ended and she began – it killed him.

“How do you feel about her?” Rich asked.

“What do you mean?”

Rich smiled. “I mean, do you love her?”

He didn’t need to think about it. The answer was in his heart. It was in the way he thought about her night and day, the way he wanted her so badly. “Yeah,” he said softly. “I’m in love with her.”

“Then for Christ’s sake tell her. She’s a catch, man. And for some crazy reason you’re the guy who caught her. Don’t let your fears hold you back. Wait until the baby comes if you want, but after that you need to start fighting for her.” Rich shook his head. “I had no idea the two of you were in a relationship, but now that I know, it makes sense. I’ve seen you smile more in t

he past few months than you have for years. I’ve watched you come alive again, when I thought we’d lost you for good. More than anything, man, I’ve seen you be happy, and that makes me so goddamned happy. Don’t let this thing go without a fight.”

James looked at his friend through fresh eyes. They’d known each other for years, since before they’d become doctors, before he’d even met Sara. And not once had he heard Rich sound so impassioned.

“Thank you,” James said, his throat scratchy. “Thank you for always being here.”

“It’s killed me to watch you go through this. To see you lose Sara and Jacob, and yourself. There was nothing I could do to take your pain away. Then here comes this second chance. This woman who, for some reason, wants to give you everything. And all she really wants in return is some honesty.”

“I know.” James took a deep breath. “And you’re right. About all of it.” His lips lifted in a smile. “Thanks for caring. I appreciate it.”

“Show me your appreciation by not messing it up.” Rich smiled back at him. “And now I’m going to order some takeout before my stomach implodes.”


Harper opened the door to her apartment, taking a deep breath when she saw James standing outside. He was carrying a cardboard tray with a coffee, a juice, and two muffins on top. Why did he make it impossible to push down her feelings for him?

“Hey. How are you feeling?” he asked.

“I’m okay. I took a nap earlier so that helped.” She stood aside so he could come in. He waited for her to lead him into the kitchen where he put the tray on her granite counter. “Excuse the mess,” she said, looking at the rack of dresses that filled the living room. “It’ll all be gone in a couple of weeks.”

“How are the preparations for the fashion show going?”

“I think I’ll manage it. We’ve got a run through next week and the big day on Saturday.” She looked shyly at him. “Would you like to come and watch?”

“Yeah,” he said slowly. “I’d like that a lot.”

“I’ll put your name down on the guest list.” She pulled at her sleeve. “I guess we should do my blood pressure before I drink the coffee. I don’t want to have any caffeine spikes.”

“It’s decaf.”

“Even worse. I’d hate for my body to go into shock.”

James laughed and took the blood pressure monitor from his backpack. “Take a seat,” he said, inclining his head at one of the stools pushed beneath the counter. Gently, he took Harper’s arm and wrapped the cuff around it, his fingers gentle as he pressed the Velcro strips together.

It was almost impossible not to shiver at his touch.

“Are my fingers cold?” he murmured, looking at her through his thick lashes. God his eyes were striking.

She took a deep breath and shook her head. “No. It’s all good.”

“Okay. I’m going to start it. You’ll feel pressure for a minute.”

“I know.” She grinned at him. “You say that every time.”

“You can guarantee the one time I don’t say it my patient will start freaking out. It’s part of the doctor’s language. Just a little pinch… you might feel some pressure… it’s important to make the patient as comfortable and as aware as possible.”