He looked up from the baby, his lips curling as Ember showed him the blanket. “That’s beautiful,” he said softly, his gaze moving to Harper. “Thank you.”

“It’s a pleasure.”

“How the heck did you make this so fast?” Ember asked her. “I only gave birth yesterday; it must have taken forever.”

“I had most of it done before you went into labor,” Harper admitted. “I just added the name and details after Lucas called Caitie.” She didn’t tell them she was up half the night making it look perfect, wanting to give them something they could keep forever. “I don’t think it will stand up to much laundering, though, so probably one for the keepsake box rather than playing with.”

“I’m going to hang it on the nursery wall,” Ember said, still staring at the blanket. “It’s so beautiful everybody should see it. You’re very talented.” She leaned forward, wincing at the sudden movement. “Thank you,” she whispered, hugging Harper tight. “I love it.”

“Would you like to hold him?” Lucas asked. He stood with Arthur snug in his arms. Harper nodded and he gestured at the chair. “Sit down and I’ll pass him to you.”

Harper slid into the seat he’d just vacated. “I promise not to baby hog.”

“Hog away. I’m hoping I can go grab a coffee while you’re here.” He grinned at her then leaned down, sliding Arthur into her waiting arms. The baby’s tiny head nestled into the crook of her elbow and he smacked his lips together, staring up at her with an interested gaze.

“Hey baby,” Harper said to him, a huge smile on her face. “You took your sweet time coming out. What do you think of this place? You enjoying the stay?”

He blinked, thick eyelashes sweeping down his cheeks. The scant hair that covered his scalp was as dark as Ember and Lucas’s. And just as James had explained, the baby’s eyes were bright blue. She wondered whether they’d change to Ember’s brown as he grew older.

“He’s beautiful,” she whispered. Lucas grinned and nodded, a look of pride on his face. “You guys must be so happy.”

“We are,” Ember said softly, her eyes meeting Lucas’s. Harper felt her heart melting all over again. They were such a striking couple. Then she felt a nudge right where Arthur was resting over her bump. It wasn’t gentle, either.

“Oh my,” she said, her eyes wide. “I think my baby just kicked your baby.”

“Sounds like a chip off the old block.”

Harper lifted her head to see who’d just spoken, spotting James in the doorway. He was dressed in green scrubs and black rubber shoes, his nametag clipped to his waist. “Hey,” she said with a smile. “I didn’t know you were coming. You didn’t say anything this morning.”

Just seeing him was enough to make her body heat up. In the three weeks since she’d first spent the night at his place her need for him hadn’t abated at all. If anything it had increased, stoked by the knowledge of how tender and gentle he could be. Every time she saw him she wanted him.

“I haven’t got long. Thought I’d say hi while you were here. I’m due in surgery in twenty minutes.” He smiled at Ember and Lucas. “Congratulations, guys.”

“Thanks.” Lucas strolled over and shook James’s hand. “I have a whole new appreciation for doctors after this. And pregnant women, too. They make firefighting look easy.” He turned back to look at his wife and Harper. “They’re pretty special, huh?”

“Yeah.” James’s voice was gruff. “They are.”

“You want to hold him?” Ember asked. “That’s if it’s okay with Harper.”

“Sure.” Harper tipped her head to the side and looked at him. “You ready for this?”

There was a ghost of a smile on James’s face as Harper slid baby Arthur into his arms. She watched as he cradled him, the baby’s head fitting easily into his crook. There was no awkwardness to his hold, no self-consciousness. Just an easy confidence that made her skin tingle.

Like Lucas, James’s body was huge next to Arthur’s tiny form. His bicep muscles knotted as he gently rocked him. Harper blew out a mouthful of air and pulled her lip between her teeth.

James looked up, his eyes catching hers and for a moment everything else disappeared. It was just the three of them, and the sound of rushing blood past her ears.

“I need to go scrub in,” he told her. “Can I just have a quick word first?”


He passed the baby back to Lucas. “He’s beautiful, man. Congratulations again.” Then he leaned down to kiss Ember’s cheek. “You did a great job.”

“Thank you.”

He inclined his head to the door and Harper followed him out, wondering what was so urgent. As soon as he closed the door behind him, James slid his hand into hers and pulled her toward the end of the hallway. He looked around before pulling her toward him, cupping her jaw with his hand as he kissed her hard and fast.

“Christ you look hot,” he whispered against her lips. “You want to give a guy a warning before you wear a dress like that?”