“Are you here?” Caitie called out. The next minute she was pushing the bedroom door open. “Oh thank god.” She put her hand to her chest, taking in a deep breath. “I tried to call you but it kept going to voicemail. I was panicking there was something wrong.”

Harper frowned and opened her purse, but there was no phone in there. “Maybe I left it in the car,” she said, trying to remember the last time she’d seen it. Everything after leaving James’s house felt like a blur.

“But you’re okay? I was only calling to let you know we’re heading out for dinner. Breck’s home early and so we thought we’d grab some sushi.” She grimaced. “I’d ask you to come but…”

Harper lifted her hands up. “Hey, I’m all good here. No raw seafood and no public displays of affection to worry about.”

Caitie grinned, knowing she was teasing. Harper never cared about PDAs. She’d walked in on them after the first time they’d made love, after all, and managed to carry on a long conversation with Breck without blinking an eye.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Caitie asked, sitting on the end of the bed. “It’s not like you to nap in the evenings. You should slow down…”

“I know, I know.” Harper nodded. “And yeah, everything’s fine. More than fine.” She grinned. “I felt the baby move for the first time.”

“You did?” Caitie’s mouth dropped open. “That’s amazing. Can I feel it, too?”

“There’s nothing to feel at the moment; hopefully in a couple more weeks.” Harper warmed at her friend’s excitement.

“It’s getting so real.” Caitie smiled at her. “Only a few more months and we’ll get to meet him or her. Did you tell James about the kicks?”

“No. It happened once I was home, and I clearly have no idea where my phone is.”

“Let me find it for you before I head back out. Where do you think you left it?”

“Probably in my car. But I can look.” Harper swung her legs off the bed and stood up, stretching her arms out to release the kinks in her muscles. “You go back to Breck. I cause enough problems for the two of you, I don’t want to make any more.”

“You don’t cause problems. We love you being here.” The two of them walked into the hallway and Harper grabbed her car keys from the table. “Breck wants you to stay here after you give birth. He’s worried about you being on your own with the baby.”

“Scared I might drop her?” Harper teased.

“No. I think he’s scared he might not get enough baby cuddles.” Caitie shook her head and opened the door. “I swear he’s getting broodier with every day that passes. Oh!”

Her exclamation got Harper’s attention. She looked over at the front door to see the cause, her skin heating up as she met his gaze.

James. Standing in the doorway with her phone in his hand.

“Hey,” Caitie said, her voice warm. “How are you doing?

“I’m good.” He grinned, then looked at Harper. “I brought your phone over. You left it at my place.”

“I’ll leave you to it.” Caitie blew Harper a kiss then gave James a peck on the cheek, before heading out into the main hallway. “See you later, guys.”

Her footsteps echoed down the hallway. Harper sucked some air through her lips as she waited for the main building door to bang. James was leaning against the doorjamb, his eyes on her, a smile playing at his lips. Why the heck was he looking so relaxed?

“Thanks for bringing it over,” she finally said, ignoring the way her heart sped up as soon as he stepped inside. Did he have to look that good? As he passed her the phone, she could smell the low notes of his cologne, and her muscles tensed.

“I figured you might need it,” he said, stopping next to her. “And I thought it might be good to have a talk. Clear the air.”

Her stomach growled, as though it agreed with every word. She laughed and shook her head. “Sorry about that. I skipped dinner in favor of a nap.”

“Let me make you something.”

She tipped her head. “Can you cook?”

“Passably. I’m a guy living on my own. It’s either that or starve.”

She shrugged and led him into the kitchen. “I’ve no idea what’s in the refrigerator,” she warned him. “I went to the grocery store on Sunday but I got distracted by the chocolate. The rest is a haze.”

He laughed and pulled the refrigerator door open, making the light flicker on. She could see the dimple in his jaw tick as he took in the contents. “You have eggs,” he said, pulling the carton out. “And some herbs and cheese. I’ll make us omelets.”