“You stay safe in there,” he whispered. “Your mommy’s taking good care of you right now. And when you’re ready to come out, I’ll be here to look after you, too.”

He slid his hand up, his fingers caressing her skin, and Harper let out a sigh. It went straight to his groin, making him ache for her. Shit, this was so messed up.

He let out another breath, the warm air caressing her, and Harper sighed again. This time her stomach moved, until his lips were less than a half an inch from her stomach.

He closed the gap.

He slid his lips along her stomach, closing his eyes to breathe her in. Her back arched as he reached the peak of her, then kissed the dip below her breasts.

“James,” she whispered, low and deep. When he looked at her, her eyes were on fire. Her lips were parted, her breath coming in short pants, and her back arching into his touch.

He slid his hand up until his fingers feathered against her breasts, cupping them. Feeling their weight, their swell.

“For god’s sake, kiss me.” She grabbed his free hand and placed his palm against her lips.

“You’re beautiful,” he whispered, running his thumb across her bottom lip. He loved the way her breath caught in her throat. Christ, he wanted her; wanted to feel every inch of her body against his. Wanted to devour her in the same way she was consuming him.

She curled her fingers around the back of his neck, urging him toward her. He gave in willingly, moving until his head was over hers. She was staring up at him, blinking like he was the sun.

Slowly he lowered his head until the tip of his nose skimmed hers. They were so close he could feel the heat radiating from her skin. He let his lips brush against hers and she gasped again, until he deepened the kiss and swallowed every moan.

It was as though somebody had lit the fuse. Electricity sparked between them as they kissed, their lips moving quickly, their tongues caressing, his hands holding her so close he could feel her against him everywhere.

She looped her arms around his neck, moving closer still. Her breasts pressed against his chest and her thighs fell open, as she tugged him closer.

He braced himself against the cushions, not wanting to put any weight on her, and kissed her again, loving the feel of her soft lips, her warm mouth, and her demanding fingers digging deep into his flesh.

With a moan that vibrated against his lips, she hooked her legs around his hips, her heels digging into the back of his upper thighs. An exquisite shiver racked down his spine as he felt his groin pressing against hers. Christ, he was turned on.

She was panting against his lips, her tiny moans warmed him down to his toes. “James,” she whispered, rolling her hips until he was pressing against her again, moaning softly as her thighs tightened against his body. “I’m going crazy,” she told him. “You’re driving me… oh… you’re…”

He dipped his head, sliding his lips along her jaw, then down her neck. She shivered beneath him, her hips still rolling, and it took every atom of restraint he had not to grind himself against her.

He kissed her again and she caught his bottom lip between her teeth, dragging them against his soft flesh. Her fingers dug into his back as she moved against him, her cries becoming higher, longer, as her muscles tightened all over.

He loved how close she was. How she responded to him. His focus was her pleasure, her need, and his desperate desire to sate it.

“James,” she cried out.

“I’m here. I’ve got you.”

“I can’t stop, I can’t… ah…” Her words dissolved into the air, replaced by a long, drawn out moan as her thighs clamped around him. He watched as her head fell back, her skin flushed with pleasure, and her eyes closed as her body convulsed beneath him.

Damn, she was beautiful when she came. Watching her let go was like looking at a piece of art – nature’s masterpiece. He held her tightly as she rode the wave, his eyes drinking in her pleasure as she slowly came down.

It took a minute for her breath to regain its normal rhythm. Her back arched slowly as she sunk into the cushions, her body loose and warm beneath him. He swallowed hard. Her eyes opened, widening as she took him in.

“Oh god,” she said. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do this.” Her brow dipped as she scrambled beneath him. He pulled back, releasing his hold on the cushions, as his feet slipped to the floor.

She stood and ran her hand through her hair, though it was a futile gesture. It was a tangled mess; in the end she twisted it over her shoulder.

“Are you okay?” he asked her, unsure what to say.

She could barely meet his gaze. “I should go,” she said, pulling her top down to cover her stomach. “It’s late and I need to feed this monster.”


“It’s okay. You don’t need to say anything. I’m sorry I took advantage of you.” She grabbed her shoes next to the sofa, pulling them onto her feet. “Thank you for talking to the baby, and for… ah… yeah. I’ll speak to you soon, okay?”