“Okay. But I’m telling you, I’m all right.” Ember’s voice was thin. She turned to Harper. “Thank you. I appreciate it.”

Harper smiled at her. “It’s fine. I’m happy to help.” And she really was. Strange how only a few months ago she was a big city woman without enough time in the day for friends. And yet now she was in the heart of a community, surrounded by people who helped each other without blinking an eye.

Maybe that’s what having a baby did to a person.

* * *

“Ember’s fine, and so’s the baby,” Lucas said, coming out to the waiting room where everybody was gathered. It was as though the baby shower had moved from the Beach Club to the hospital. The room was filled with the low hum of conversation. “It looked worse than it was. Her head has the tiniest bump. No stitches needed. I just need to keep an eye on her tonight.”

“Thank god she’s okay,” Brooke whispered, and gave him a hug. “And how are you doing? You must have been terrified. You made it from the station to the hospital faster than a speeding bullet.”

He smiled at her, and Harper could see the relief wash over his face. His love for his wife and unborn baby shone out of him.

“I’m fine,” Lucas said. “Happy they’re both okay. This definitely gave me a shock, though. I feel like I could sleep until next Tuesday.”

Brooke laughed. “You probably need to get used to it. Nick hasn’t stopped shocking me and he’s almost eleven. That’s the life of a parent.”

Lucas smiled at her and Harper. “Thank you for keeping such a cool head,” he said. “And for driving her here. I know she didn’t want to make a fuss, but I’m glad you made her come and get checked out.”

“It was a pleasure.” Harper felt warmth wash over her again. Looking around this room, crammed with what felt like half the female population of Angel Sands, she was reminded again how caring everybody was. She’d done the right thing moving here.

It was the kind of place you could raise a child in and know they’d be taken care of. That was something she’d never had growing up, even though she’d wished she had so many times.

A group of older women in the corner – Ember’s mom’s friends, Harper guessed – broke out into raucous laughter.

“I’m telling you, the doctors here are hot,” one of them said, fanning herself. “It’s almost worth getting hurt to feel their hands on your body.”

Lucas shifted his feet, and Harper bit down a grin. Even the strongest of men seemed to get uncomfortable when surrounded by a group of tipsy older women.

“That one’s mine,” another woman said, pointing toward the ER reception. “Tall, dark, and handsome, just the way I like ‘em. If I faint do you think he’ll rescue me?”

“I bet so. You fall and I’ll scream out for help.” They laughed again.

“That’s my cue to leave,” Lucas said, shaking his head. “I’m going back to help Ember get ready. We should be able to leave for home shortly. Thanks again, Harper.” He leaned forward to kiss her on the cheek. “I’ll speak to you later, sis,” he said to Caitie.

“Sure,” Caitie said. “I’m going to head back to the Beach Club with Brooke and Ally to tidy up. We’ll bring your baby gifts over when we’re done if that’s okay?”

“I appreciate that. I want Ember to rest. She’s a little worked up.”

“And you should rest, too,” Caitie said to Harper, as if she knew she was about to volunteer to help. “You can head back home and I’ll meet you there later.”

She thought about protesting, but she really was tired. The first trimester wasn’t quite over yet. “Okay,” she agreed.

“You need to be taking care of yourself, too.” Caitie patted her shoulder.

A smile played on Harper’s lips as she watched Lucas walk back to the double doors, leading to the examination rooms. In the corner, a doctor was talking to the receptionist, a few other physicians in white coats at the counter. He was wearing dark green scrubs, a stethoscope slung around his neck, his expression serious as he spoke.

She blinked.


Surely it couldn’t be?

Dark hair, high cheekbones, and eyes she still saw in her dreams. Frank was a doctor? Oh god. Her heart started hammering so fast she thought she was having a heart attack.

“Are you okay?” Caitie asked. “You’ve gone really pale.”

Harper slowly peeled her fingers from her mouth and tried to breathe, because god knew this baby needed all the oxygen it could get.