“Maybe I could ask Aiden. See if he recognizes the description,” Brooke suggested. Her fiancé was the Silver Sands Resort director. “This guy must have had an invitation. Somebody knows who he is.”

“You could check the security tapes,” Ally said, clapping her hands together. “Like in a detective movie.”

“Please don’t.” Harper grimaced. “I don’t want everybody knowing I hooked up with a guy whose name I don’t know. If he’d wanted me to find him he would have left a note, or at least woken me up before he left.” Her stomach dropped. “Let’s face it, I was a one night stand to whoever he was.”

Caitie slid her hand over Harper’s. “I’m sorry, honey,” she said. “It sounds like you liked him.”

Harper shook her head, refusing to be upset. “It doesn’t matter. We had a good time. We were careful.” She raised her brows. “No harm was done to any animals.”

Caitie burst out laughing. “I’m glad to hear.”

“And anyway, I haven’t got the time or the energy for a relationship right now. I need to find a job and pay the rent. I don’t need any distractions.”

“Well, whoever he is, he’s the one missing out,” Ember said firmly. “You’re gorgeous, you’re talented, and you’re one of the nicest people I know. And as Brooke said, he’s nothing special, just another guy like the rest in Angel Sands. If you’re looking for somebody we could set you up.”

“How about Ethan?” Ally asked, inclining her head at the barista behind the counter. “He’s older than he looks.”

“He’s twenty-one,” Brooke said, shaking her head. “And he’s got student loans up to his eyeballs.” She ran the tip of her tongue along her bottom lip, thinking. “I know. There’s a guy at the hotel who’s recently divorced. He’s the finance director. I bet he’d love to go on a date with you.”

Harper shook her head firmly. “You guys are wonderful, but no. Thank you, though. I’m not looking for anything serious, and I’m definitely not looking for a long distance relationship. I saw what it did to Caitie when she lived in L.A. and Breck was here in Angel Sands. If I want a guy – and I don’t – I’ll find myself one in L.A.”

“If you’re sure.” Brooke almost hid the disappointment on her face. “But the offer is always there.”

Harper was certain. Last night had been a one-off; something amazing and embarrassing, and everything in between. This afternoon she’d drive back to LA and forget about it all.

The chances were, he’d already forgotten about her.


At first, Harper thought it was a bug. The kind that made you hurl your breakfast in the toilet bowl every morning, then suddenly be hungry for more. The nausea wasn’t as bad as it looked; it only lasted a few moments at a time. One minute she’d be sick as a dog, the next she was craving a burger for dinner.

But it wasn’t the vomiting that brought her to the drugstore. It was her tender breasts. They ached and throbbed like she was getting ready for a massive period, but her period never came.

So here she was, staring at a shelf full of tests, trying to work out whether she wanted a digital window or a pink stripe, and wondering who the hell bought a three pack of pregnancy tests. As god was her witness, once this one came up negative she was never having sex again.

Maybe she’d become a nun. Did they let nuns dye their hair? She wasn’t sure she’d be able to give up the pink tips. Or she could be one of those people who wore purity rings like the Jonas Brothers. Only if they let her be a born-again-purist, though. Otherwise they’d kick her out of the sect.

And while she was on a roll, who the heck thought it would be a great idea to put the pregnancy tests right next to the condoms? Damn taunting little boxes. She started to stick her tongue out at them, then noticed another cu

stomer staring at her. Was she talking to herself again?

Harper sighed and leaned forward, picking up a pink box. It didn’t matter which one she chose. It was going to be negative anyway. She turned on her heel, lifting her middle finger in a salute to the condom shelves, and made her way over to the registers, opting for the self-checkout in an attempt not to embarrass herself further.

“Frank Sinatra,” she muttered. “You have a lot to answer for.”

* * *

“Seriously?” Caitie said, taking Harper’s hands in hers, wide eyed and excited. “Oh my god. How long? When are you due? When did you find out?”

“Nine weeks according to the doctor,” Harper told her. The nausea was slowly abating, but she still felt sick at the thought of the positive test.

Not to mention the fact she still hadn’t found a full-time job. She’d been freelancing for the past two months, picking up work here and there, making as much money as she could with her Etsy orders, and somehow managing to pay the rent. She was a month behind on her car payment, though, and every time there was a knock on the door she was certain it was a repossession company.

And now this… it was as though life was laughing its ass off at her.

“Oh my god, Harper. You’re having a baby.” Caitie grabbed her hand, her eyes shining. “A real life baby. Congratulations.”

“I’m not sure a celebration is in order,” Harper said drily. “At least not from the baby’s point of view. She really lucked out, being born to a jobless, potentially homeless mom.”