Ally laughed. “Oh boy, you have so much to look forward to. Just ask Nate what it’s like having a teenage daughter.?


The door on the far side of the waiting room opened, and Caitie walked in, carrying a tray of coffees. Dangling from her hand was a bag full of pastries. “I’m going to take one of these in to Harper,” she said. “You guys can fight over the rest.” She grabbed a cup and pastry and walked to where James was standing. “You doing okay, Daddy?”

Ally laughed. “Don’t ever let me hear you call him Daddy again, okay? That’s reserved for couples. Or, you know… kids.”

Caitie wrinkled her nose. “Eww. You know what I meant.”

James shook his head. “I’m good. And Harper’s getting cleaned up. She’ll be glad to see you. And the pastries.” He looked around the room. “She’s going to need the energy to deal with these guys.”

Caitie grinned. “Sadly, they didn’t have any blueberry muffins, but maybe now that she’s not pregnant she won’t like them any more.” Caitie buzzed at the entrance to the maternity ward, walking through once the door automatically opened.

“I should head back, too,” James told them. “Thank you all for being here. I’ll come get you as soon as Harper’s ready.”

“We’re proud of you, son.” His dad shook his hand. “We can’t wait to meet your little girl.”

James felt his body suffuse with warmth as he headed back to the maternity ward. He was looking at his phone again. At Alyssa. Maybe that’s why he didn’t see Rich standing there, and all but bumped into him.

“Hey,” Rich said, slapping him on the back. “I just heard about the baby. Congratulations. Is everything okay?” He pulled at the hem of his scrubs. “I would have checked before but I was in surgery.”

“Everything’s great. Harper’s perfect. Alyssa’s perfect.”

“That’s her name? Pretty.”

“Yeah it is.” James showed Rich his phone. “That’s her. Alyssa Jay.”

Rich leaned forward a huge grin on her face. “You’re a lucky guy.”

“Yeah, I am. The luckiest.” James couldn’t hide the grin on his face. “She’s just so tiny, you know? So perfect. All those itty-bitty fingers and toes. And her lips are just like Harper’s. Her nose, too.”

“Lucky for her.” Rich winked. “But seriously, I’m so happy for you. Enjoy this, you deserve it.” He put his arm around James’s back again, giving him a bro hug. “Don’t mess it up, okay?”

“I don’t intend to. They’re my family. I’m going to take care of them.”

“Both of them?” Rich lifted an eyebrow.

“Yeah. Both of them.” He lifted his hand in goodbye. “I’ll catch you later, okay? Maybe arrange for a time for you to meet the baby?”

“Sounds perfect. And James?”


“Sara would be proud of you. And happy for you, too.”

James swallowed hard, unable to dislodge the lump in his throat. “Thanks, that means a lot.”

* * *

Caitie was waiting for her when Harper emerged from the bathroom, her body freshly scrubbed, her hair damp from washing. The aroma of coffee and pastries filled the air and made her stomach gurgle. “Is that what I think it is?” she asked.

“Decaf latte and a pastry. There were no muffins left, so I hope this is okay.”

“It’s perfect.” Harper grabbed the pastry and tore off a chunk with her teeth. “Sorry for being so disgusting,” she said once she swallowed. “But I could eat a damn horse.”

“Haven’t you had anything since I left?”

“Oh, I’ve had loads. James grabbed me some chocolate from the machine outside, and the nurse brought me a sandwich. But my stomach just feels so empty, you know?”