“They didn’t seem to mind. It’s like a party over there.” Caitie grinned, and took Harper’s other hand in her own. “Everybody cares about you, Harper. They want to be here to support you.”

Just before another contraction took over her body, Harper couldn’t help but feel good about that.


Damn, she was beautiful. An Amazonian, doing exactly what nature intended her to do, bringing a new life into the world to begin the circle all over again.

It was mesmerizing.

James was holding her hand, or rather she was squeezing his, her grip so hard his bones were grinding together. As her contraction ended, he wiped her face with a cold cloth, then leaned forward to kiss her temple. “You’re doing amazing,” he murmured, his lips close to her ear. “You’ve got this.”

Harper inhaled deeply, her expression a picture of concentration. Her body had taken over, knowing implicitly what it needed to do, telling her when to push, to rest, to cry out with pain.

Ellie was at the end of the bed, her scrubs covered with a gown, her hands gloved as she told them of the baby’s progress. “It’s going beautifully,” she told them. “She’s halfway down. Next time you feel a contraction, I want you to

push really hard, okay?”

“I don’t have a damned choice,” Harper gasped out. “Why is it that men get all the fun of conception and the women get all the pain?”

“Because we’re the stronger sex,” Ellie told her. “They’d probably all end up dying if they had to push out a baby.”

Harper opened her mouth to reply, but her words dissolved as another contraction assailed her. She tightened her grip on James again, groaning loudly as she bore down, gasping as the contraction ended.

“Do you feel that sting?” Ellie asked her. “That’s the baby’s head crowning. Next time you feel a contraction I don’t want you to push. Just pant as loud as you can and let the baby do the work.” Ellie looked at James. “You want to see the head?”

“Go and look,” Harper said. “Tell me what you see.”

He slid his hand out of hers and walked to where Ellie was sitting on a stool. He swallowed hard as he saw the fleshy head of their baby, covered in fine downy fuzz. “She’s got pink hair.”

Harper laughed. “Ow, don’t make me laugh. It hurts.”

“You can feel her if you want,” Ellie said to Harper. “Give me your hand.” She guided Harper’s fingers to the crown of the baby’s head. “There, that’s your baby.”

“Oh. Oh my god.” Harper’s bottom lip wobbled. “She’s really real.”

“Yeah, she is.” Ellie grinned.

Harper’s eyes met James’s, and he could see how watery they were. Not just with pain, but with wonder. He felt his chest expand with emotion as their gazes continued to stay locked.

She tore her gaze away and cried out.

“Remember to pant,” Ellie instructed. James took Harper’s hand again, and she squeezed tightly as she blew out mouthfuls of air, groaning with pain.

“Her head’s out,” Ellie said. “Now we just need to help her shoulders along. Keep panting, don’t push. In a minute you’ll feel a rush, that’s your little girl being born. She’s almost here, Harper.”

“You’re going to be a mom,” Caitie said, her eyes filling with tears. “Such a great one, too.”

As Harper’s next contraction came, Ellie grabbed a towel and placed it on the bed in front of her. James watched as Harper leaned forward, grunting in pain, then her eyes flew open as their baby’s shoulders came free, her tiny body cradled in Ellie’s hands.

“You did it,” he whispered. “She’s here.” Tears stung at his eyes as he watched Ellie lift the baby to Harper’s bare chest. By instinct, Harper released his and Caitie’s hands and wrapped her own around the baby, her eyes closing as she dipped her head, breathing softly as she cradled her child.

“She’s beautiful,” Caitie whispered. “Congratulations.” She caught James’s eye. “To both of you.”

“You want to cut the chord, James?” Ellie asked. He nodded, and did as she instructed, before he turned back to Harper and their baby.

“Hey, little girl,” she whispered as the baby wriggled on her chest. “It’s so good to finally meet you.” She looked up at James, her eyes full of joy. “Come say hello to our daughter.”

* * *