“You’re so calm,” Harper whispered. “How can you be so relaxed?”

“Because I know you,” he told her. “I know you’re strong enough to get through this. So that makes me strong, too.”

“I don’t feel strong.”

“You will. You’re going to be an amazing mom, Harper. Whether it happens today or in four weeks’ time, you’ve got this.”

A tear rolled down her cheek. “I’m going to be a mom,” she said, as though it was a revelation.

“Yeah, you are.”

“And you’re going to be a dad. Again.”

“Yep.” He nodded. From the corner of his eye he saw the stage curtain move. He glanced over his shoulder and saw Caitie walking over. “Is everything okay with…” her voice trailed off as she spotted Harper on the sofa. “Oh god, is it the baby?” She knelt down next to James and stroked Harper’s face. “Are you having contractions?”

“I think so.” Harper nodded. “They’ve called for an ambulance.”

“It’s here,” the show runner shouted out. “The concierge is showing them in.”

“Are you going with her?” Caitie asked James as the door opened and two paramedics walked in.

“That’s the plan.” James stood so the paramedics could reach Harper, and quietly gave them a rundown of her current health condition. “Can you meet us there? I know she’ll want you with her.”

“Of course. I’ll head to my car now.” She smiled at him. “I’m so glad she’s got you.”

He let out a mouthful of air. “I’m glad she’s letting me.”

Caitie leaned forward and hugged him. “I’ll see you at the hospital. Keep doing what you’re doing.”

“I will,” James said, watching as the paramedics helped Harper onto the gurney they’d brought in. He’d take care of her for as long as she’d let him.

* * *

“I hear somebody’s a little impatient,” Ellie said as she walked into the labor room. “How are you holding up?”

A grimace ghosted Harper’s lips. “Not great. And pretty scared.”

Ellie tipped her head to the side. “Being scared is perfectly normal. You’d feel the same way even at forty weeks. You’ve never done this before and it hurts like hell. I’d be worried if you weren’t anxious.”

“But it’s bad for the baby.”

“Let me decide what’s good and bad in here, okay?” Ellie washed her hands in the sink in the corner of the room. “I want to examine you first, and ask you a few questions, then we’ll talk about the next steps.”

“Do you think you can stop the contractions?”

“That’s what I’m going to find out.” She smiled and snapped on a pair of latex gloves. “Do we have a urinalysis?” she asked the nurse who’d been taking care of Harper.

“Yes. All normal.”

“That’s good.” She checked the monitor next to Harper’s bed, concentrating on the readout. “Anything I need to know, James?” she murmured.

“Everything’s as expected,” he said, from where he was sitting next to Harper, her hand enfolded in his. “Blood pressure still been higher than we’d like, though.”

“Yeah.” Ellie nodded. “Okay, let’s take a look and see how this baby’s doing.” She turned to Harper and slid her hand beneath the sheet. “I’m just going to check your cervix, okay?”

Harper nodded.

A moment later, Ellie pulled back and took off her gloves. “You’re five centimeters dilated,” she said, throwing the latex in the medical trashcan. “How often are the contractions coming?”