
“Okay, staying awake…” He held his hand out to her, helping her stand. “And then we’ll head to my room where you’ll really be sleeping and do it all over again.”

“Sounds interesting,” she said as he led her toward the hallway and up the stairs. “So far we’ve managed to dirty the basement, the kitchen, and the living room. I guess it’s only fair we christen the top floor, too.”

He opened the door to the spare room and beckoned her in with a flourish. “My thoughts exactly, Miss Hayes.”

* * *

Harper cracked an eye open, her face screwed up as she tried to figure out if it was night time or morning. At some point they’d ended up in his bedroom, and though she’d felt as rung out as a dishcloth – a very sated, pleasured dishcloth – she’d insisted they christen it like he’d promised.

And then they’d crashed into sleep without taking another breath.

She sighed, stretching her arms out, and turned to look at the clock beside his bed.

Four a.m.

Her bladder began to throb, and she slid out of bed, grabbing James’s sweater once again to pull over her naked body.

She padded into the bathroom, catching sight of herself in the mirror. Lord, she looked a mess. Her hair was like a bird’s nest, all tangled and frizzy, and there were shadows beneath her eyes the size of Alaska. And yet she couldn’t help but smile at her reflection. The happiness was spilling out of her.

When she’d washed her hands, she grabbed some toothpaste and scrubbed it around her teeth with her finger. For good measure she sloshed some mouthwash around, then spat it into the sink before washing it away with some water.

James hadn’t moved at all while she was in the bathroom. In the gloom of the night she could see the outline of his bare torso, the white sheet tangled around his waist. His arms were splayed out as though he’d fallen asleep mid-yawn, and she couldn’t help but grin.

He was delicious.

As quietly as possible, she climbed back into bed, lifting the sheet around her as she snuggled against his chest. She felt his hand stroke her mussed up hair. “Hey,” he said, his voice heavy with sleep. “Where have you been?”

“Bathroom,” she whispered. “Sorry, did I wake you?”

He rolled closer, pressing his lips against her brow. “I’ve been skating on the edge of being awake all night. I don’t sleep deeply. I blame it on all the medical training and constantly being woken up by my pager.” He slid his lips to her cheek, making her skin tingle. “Do you need anything?” he asked her. “Water? Pickles dipped in chocolate?”

She laughed. “Do people actually crave those things? I can’t think of anything worse.”

“Cravings don’t seem to follow any pattern. Every woman seems different. There’s no conclusive reason for their existence, or proof they fill any need.” He slid his hand down her bare back. “As a guy, I’m inclined to believe they’re a test to see if we’ll make a good dad. If we run out as soon as you ask us for something, then you know you can rely on us.”

The corner of her lip curled up. “Is that right?”

He shrugged. “Just a hypothesis.” He kissed the skin at the side of her throat. She loved the way he couldn’t keep his hands off her.

“Okay, then. So if I told you I needed a burger and fries right now, would you drive to the all night diner and get me some?”

His eyes softened. “Yeah, but I’d make you come with me.”

“But it’s so cozy here,” she said, snuggling into the crook of his arm. She breathed deeply, loving the warm smell of him. “I don’t think I can move. Plus I can’t think of anything I want less than a burger.”

“Well that’s a relief. Because I really didn’t want to get up.” He grinned at her, his nose sliding against hers. “But I’ll take you out to breakfast if you want.”

“It’s a deal.”

For a moment they were silent. She could hear his soft, rhythmic breathing and the beat of her heart. She snuggled closer to him, placing her hand on his chest, tracing his skin with her outstretched finger.

“Did Sara have cravings?” She glanced up at him.

James blinked. “Ah, yeah. She went crazy for eggs. Hardboiled, scrambled, poached, whatever. She couldn’t get enough of them.”

Harper felt sadness wash over her. Another reminder of how vibrant Sara once was, how alive Jacob had been. How much James had loved them until he lost them so tragically. Her heart ached for him.