“I initially wanted nothing, but decided to wait and see how I feel. I’m not keen on an epidural mainly because my mom couldn’t walk for days after she had me. But if the pain is that bad…”

“Maybe I should take everything they’ll give me,” Harper said with a grin. “It has to be easier if you’re high as a kite.”

Ember laughed. “I’ll tell you once I’ve experienced it.”

Harper lifted a tiny pink tutu attached to a silver bodice from the rack, turning it around to inspect it. Her eyes widened as she caught sight of the price tag. “Jeez, have you seen the cost of this? And the fabric is so cheap. I could make it for a tenth of the price, and it would be far better quality.”

“Are you making your baby’s clothing?” Ember asked.

“I’ve made a couple of things,” Harper told her, replacing the dress on the rack. “But I haven’t really had much time. I had a big order from a boutique in Silver City come in, plus my direct orders have exploded. I’ve had to turn some work down.”

“You have? That’s amazing.” Ember’s eyes sparkled. “Your clothes are beautiful. Annabelle showed me the photos with her and her daughter in your dresses. I can’t believe how lovely they are.”

Harper felt her skin warm up. “Thank you. She did a great job modeling for them. I’ve got a lot of orders off those photos. I sent her some clothes to say thank you.”

“She told me.” Ember nodded. “She was delighted, too. But you didn’t have to. She was just happy to have new photographs for her portfolio.” They wandered over to the bedding shelves. They were an explosion of pastels, with soft yellows and pale greens, and the inevitable blues and pinks. “I hope you’re getting some rest, too,” Ember added. “Caitie told me you’ve been up late sewing most nights.”

“I promised I’d take a break. That’s why I turned down some work. And why I’m here right now,” Harper told her. Everybody has been telling her the same thing. Slow down, take it easy, this baby needs all the energy you need. When it wasn’t Caitie worrying about her, it was James asking if she’d taken too much on. “But I can’t stop altogether. I’ve almost saved enough money for six months’ rent. But I’ll need to keep working until my due date if I want to take a couple of weeks off after the birth. Bills need to be paid.”

Ember smiled sympathetically. “It must be tough doing all this on your own. I’m so impressed by how well you’re handling it all.”

“You think I’m handling it well?”

“Yeah. Look at you. You’re building up a business, growing a baby, and you’re looking so full of health and happiness it’s making me want to bask in your glow. All the while I’m laying in bed worrying that I’ll hate breastfeeding, or that I’ll never want to have sex with Lucas again.”

Harper laughed. “Well I don’t need to worry about the sex part. I’m pretty sure being a single mom will put most guys off.”

“Only the weak ones. The strong ones won’t care. Look at Brooke. She was a single mom for years but then Aiden came around and fell in love with both her and Nick. He’s planning on adopting him.” She squeezed Harper’s hand. “There’s a happy-ever-after out there for everybody.”

“Hmm.” Harper raised her brows.

“You don’t believe me?”

“I just think most guys want a woman who hasn’t had a baby with another guy. A fresh slate. In their eyes I’ll be damaged goods. Or at least returned goods. Not that it matters, because I don’t want to be the kind of mom who’s more concerned about the guy she’s dating than the child she gave birth to. I don’t see myself dating for a long time.”

“That’s so sad.” Ember sighed. “Because you’re so funny, kind, and beautiful. Any guy would see you as a catch.”

Harper blushed.

“Don’t look at me like that.” Ember laughed. “It’s true. Every word.”

“Well you’re very sweet, and I’m so glad I have you as a friend.” Harper slid her arm around Ember’s waist and hugged her, careful not to press her bump. “But that’s enough about my love life – or lack of it. We need to concentrate on buying things for this baby. You only have a month before he or she arrives.”

* * *

“Do you want to go grab a drink?” Rich asked James as the two of them stood at their lockers. “Maybe get a bite to eat. It’s been a while since we had a night out.”

James reached into his locker and grabbed his bag, slinging it over his shoulder. His hair was glistening from the shower he’d just taken. He was more aware than ever of infection control now that Harper was working in his basement. Since they passed at least once a day the last thing he wanted was to bring any germs home and infect her and the baby. His skin felt raw from the scrubbing he’d given himself.

“I can’t tonight. Maybe another time.”

“This weekend? Ah, wait, I’m working on Saturday. How about Sunday?”

James shook his head. “Can’t do. I’m on call. Let me check the schedule and get back to you.”

“I guess it’s just me, a bottle of red, and whatever lucky woman I swipe right on then.” Rich grinned.

“Whatever floats your boat.” James shook his head. “I need to head home. I’ll catch you later.”