“What was that?”

“Nothing. There are some strange people on the beach. Just ignore them.” Harper shook her head, biting down a grin.

“Oh. Okay. Anyway, I was wondering if you’re free next Friday. I spoke to a friend here at the hospital – an obstetrician – and she has a slot free if you’d like it. No pressure. If you don’t like her then we can find somebody else. I know a few good ones.”

“What’s her name?”

“Eleanor O’Brien. Ellie. She’s a very popular OB. But as I said, it’s a personal choice.” He paused for a second. “Should I not have picked a doctor for you?” he asked. “Would you rather find somebody yourself? We don’t even need to go to a provider at my hospital if you’d prefer somewhere else.”

“No,” Harper said quickly. “You’ve done nothing wrong at all. I’m just surprised. I wasn’t sure if you meant what you said about paying the medical bills.”

“Of course I did. I don’t say things unless I mean them.”

She believed him. There was something authentic about the man.

“I’d like to take the appointment,” she told him. “Thank you for setting it up. Will you be coming, too?”

“It’s up to you. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

Harper rolled her bottom lip between her teeth. She knew these first appointments involved the kinds of questions and examinations that might embarrass her in front of him. But he was the baby’s father, and he wanted to be involved. She wouldn’t take that from him. She remembered Ember saying how important her OB appointments and ultrasounds were for Lucas to bond with the baby. Maybe James felt the same way.

“I’d like you to be there if you can make it,” Harper said. Caitie caught her eye. She was smiling at her.

“Okay then. I don’t have a shift that day, so can I pick you up? About eleven forty?”

“Works for me.”

“See you then. Take it easy, Harper.”

She smiled, liking the way he said her name. Maybe too much. “Thanks. You do the same.”

He ended the call and she slid her phone back into her purse. It was only when she reached for her uneaten muffin that she realized they were all looking at her.

“What?” she asked them, tearing off a chunk.

“Nothing.” Caitie winked. “Apart from you and James Tanner being pretty damn friendly.”

“Is that bad?”

“No. I’d say it’s very good,” Ally teased. “What was that, him asking you out on a date?”

“Nope. He’s arranged for me to meet an OB friend of his. Just doing his fatherly duty. That’s all.”

“Who’s the OB?” Ember asked. “I might know them.”

“Ellie O’Brien.”

“That’s my obstetrician,” Ember said, grinning. “You’ll love her. She’s amazing. The best thing about her? She always warms her hands up before she puts her

gloves on and touches you. There’s nothing worse than freezing hands.”

“That’s sweet of him to organize that,” Caitie said, smiling at Harper. “Do you think there’s a possibility you and James might have something more going on?”

“Like what?”

“Like the kind of thing that led to this baby being made,” Ally suggested, pointing at Harper’s stomach.

“I don’t think so.” Harper gave a grim smile. “I don’t think he sees it that way. Like you all told me, he’s a good guy and he won’t walk away from his responsibilities, but that’s all this is.”