“She?” Caitie raised an eyebrow.

Harper shrugged. “Yeah, she.” Okay so she didn’t know the sex, but calling the baby it sounded so impersonal.

Caitie grinned. “So you’re keeping…her?”

Harper pulled her lip between her teeth. “Yeah,” she said slowly. “I guess I am.” Even at nine weeks pregnant she felt different; protective. This little smaller-than-a-bean human growing inside her was Harper’s responsibility. “Poor kid.”

“Lucky kid,” Caitie said, shaking her head. “Having a mom like you. Now let’s talk plans. Have you located an obstetrician yet? Decided where to have the baby? Oh my god, I need to organize your baby shower. Where should we do it – here or Angel Sands?”

“Let’s slow down. I’m nine weeks, not nine months.” Harper couldn’t help but grin. As soon as she’d seen those two lines form on the test she’d called Caitie and asked her to drive up to L.A. She didn’t trust herself to drive to Angel Sands without causing an accident.

And talking to her best friend was already calming her. And as the reality was dawning, she somehow felt better about it all.

She was having a baby, and somehow, some way, they’d be okay.

“What about the father?” Caitie asked, her voice soft. “Have you told him?”

Harper grimaced. “I can’t. I don’t know his name, remember?”

“It was the guy at the resort?” Caitie’s mouth dropped open. “Frank? Oh my god, you’re having Frank Sinatra’s baby. We should call up the Entertainment channel.”

Harper burst out laughing. “Grace Kelly and Frank Sinatra’s love child, born twenty years after their death. Imagine the headlines!”

“She’ll be beautiful and talented. Lucky girl.” Caitie leaned forward to squeeze Harper tight. “She really is lucky, you know.” Her voice soft.

“So lucky I don’t even know who her father is.” Harper sighed. Along with the nausea, she was still getting used to the mood swings.

“You know who he is, just not his name. That’s all; and we can work that out. I’ll call Brooke, ask her for Aiden’s help. We’ll track down this guy. It’s just a matter of time.”

“And what if he doesn’t want to know?” Harper swallowed hard. She knew what it was like, being rejected by the person who was supposed to love you.

“That’s his choice,” Caitie said. “But he deserves to know.”

“You’re right.” Harper nodded. “That’s one problem solved, I guess.”

“What’s the other problem?”

“A little matter of me having no steady income. I still haven’t found a permanent job, and being pregnant isn’t going to help. I’ve got no medical insurance, and I have no way of paying for all the bills this pregnancy is going to bring me. I can’t even afford to pay the rent.” Harper shook her head. “I’m going to be in debt for the rest of my life.”

Caitie’s expression was full of sympathy. “I can help. Breck can, too. Not just financially but we can give you support.” Her brows knitted together as she stared down. “There has to be a way for you to do this.” She tapped her finger against her lip a few times, before she looked up at Harper. “Maybe you should move to Angel Sands and stay with us. Just until the baby’s here and you can get back on your feet. That way you won’t need to worry about rent.”

“I can’t; my life is here. And I could never impose on you like that.”

“You wouldn’t be imposing,” Caitie told her. “It’d save me driving up and down from Angel Sands to L.A. to check on you all the time. And I’ve missed you like crazy these past few months. Our spare bedroom is already set up for you, remember? You can design and make as many dresses as you like there.”

Harper’s eyes stung with tears. “I hate relying on other people. I’m turning into my mom.”

“No, you’re not.” Caitie’s voice was firm. “You’re nothing like her. You’re amazing, funny, and my best friend. Let me help you the way you’ve always helped me.” She smiled. “I can’t wait to be an Auntie to little Frank or Grace. It’s going to be amazing.”

Harper took in a deep breath. Caitie was right, she always was. There was no way Harper could do this alone. And unlike her mom, she wasn’t planning on having this baby and abandoning it to whatever family member was a soft touch.

No, this baby would always feel wanted. Forever be loved. And she would never feel as though she’d ruined somebody’s life. If that meant accepting the kindness of friends until Harper got back on her feet, then that’s what she’d do.

“Thank you,” she said, blowing out a mouthful of air. “I’ll think about it. I promise.”

* * *

“James!” His mom smiled as she opened the door and immediately pulled him into a bear hug. “How are you? Have you been eating? I swear, every time I see you there’s nothing of you.”