It was time to forget about everything except this moment. And as he slid himself slowly inside her, they did exactly that.


“A week?” Griff said as the three of them pulled their surfboards from the back of his truck. “That’s not long. I thought you’d be here for longer.” He shook his head, his long hair moving with the breeze. “I’m gonna miss you, man.”

Jackson laughed as he unzipped his pristine board bag. “He’s not moving across the world, he can still come back here whenever he wants.”

Griff shrugged. “That’s not exactly true. He spends half his time at the station. And even when he’s off he’s never around. Too busy sleeping or doing paperwork.”

“I am right here, you know,” Lucas pointed out, trying to swallow down his amusement. He felt strangely touched by Griff’s words. “And yeah, I’m going to be much busier than I am now, but I’ll still be seeing you guys.”

“You won’t be able to come out with us like this though, will you?” Griff stripped his t-shirt off. One of the best things about California summers was the fact they didn’t need to put on their wetsuits, they could head straight for the water. “Until the last few weeks we hadn’t seen you out here for months. I’ve gotten used to having you around.”

“I can try.” Lucas felt bad. One of the downsides of the shifts he worked was trying to fit everything in. Twenty-four hours on, followed by two days off was never going to be compatible with his nine-to-five friends. Not even with Griff who’d hadn’t worked a nine-to-five in his life.

“Yeah, well I’ll believe it when I see it. Anyway, from what I hear you’re not busy at the cottage anymore. You’re busy with a certain school teacher.”

“What school teacher?” Jackson asked, sounding suddenly interested.

Lucas sighed. This was exactly what Ember had wanted to avoid – people speculating about their relationship.

They made their way down to the ocean’s edge. It was still early in the morning – the sun had barely climbed out of the mountains behind them. He wanted to point out that he didn’t get out of bed with a beautiful woman to be grilled about their relationship. He was here to surf.

Okay, and maybe spend some time with his friends, too.

“So this school teacher… you finally got it together with her?” Griff grinned at him as the water reached the tips of their toes. “Tell me more.”

“There’s nothing to tell.” Lucas sighed. The waves looked amazing, beckoning them in with their white tipped glory. He wanted to be out there, forgetting everything, not having to explain what was going on between him and Ember Kennedy.

The fact was, he had no idea what was going on, and he definitely didn’t want to talk about it. She’d asked for them to take things slow but it was killing him. He felt boxed in on all sides. By her, by his job, by his own feelings.

Because he really did have strong feelings for her. She was like a cool balm on his sunburned skin. She soothed him in a way he hadn’t felt before. And in a week it was all going to be over.

Jackson sent him a sympathetic smile, then launched his board into the water, finding a channel and paddling it out to the waves, so much for brotherly support. That left him alone with all of Griff’s questions.

“Is it serious between you two?”

“I’ve no idea.” Lucas scratched the back of his neck.

“You’re lying.”

“What?” Lucas looked at his friend in surprise. “What makes you say that?”

“You’re rubbing your neck, you always do that when you’re uncomfortable.”

“Yeah, well maybe I just don’t want to be having this conversation. There’s really nothing to tell. She’s pretty, she’s funny, and she’s just come out of a long term relationship. Add in the fact I’ll be back in White City soon, and that tells you everything you need to know.”

“But you like her.”

“Is that a question?” Lucas asked.

“Nope. Just a casual observation. And I’m pleased for you, man. I really am. How long have I been telling you to get over yourself and have some fun? All this crazy stuff about women not liking your job, it’s clearly not true. I’m guessing she doesn’t mind one little bit.”

“We haven’t had that conversation.”

“What conversations have you had?”

His neck was feeling itchy again. Lucas had to hold his board tightly not to give into the need to rub it. “None, because there’s nothing to talk about. And when I’m back in White City, the chances of seeing her are going to drop, so we’re enjoying it while we can.”