Her first thought was that he had fainted. But then he was smiling up at her, his eyes crinkled and warm. No sign of darkness at all.

“Becca Hartson, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

Her heart started to hammer against her ribcage. She felt like she was going through an out-of-body experience, watching the two of them in the cornfield, Daniel looking at her as though she was the most beautiful thing he’d seen.

She opened her mouth to answer, but no sound came out. Instead she nodded, and Daniel’s smile widened into a grin. He rose to his feet and took her hand in his, sliding the ring onto her slender finger. She swallowed hard, looking down at the square cut diamond, then back at him.


“She’s speechless. Damn.” Logan was laughing. She turned to look at her brothers. “You knew?”

“I asked for their blessing. And your dad’s,” Daniel told her.

“Not their permission?”

He shook his head. “Only you get to give me that.”

“I do.” She nodded, so full of love for him. “And I do.”

Daniel laughed, pulling her into his arms. She exhaled heavily, loving the way he held her. The way he kissed her softly. She could never get enough of him.

And now she didn’t have to. Ever.

“You really want this?” she asked him, her eyes shining.

“I do.” His voice was solemn, but his grin was wide.

“You know if you marry me, you marry my family.”

“I understand.” He glanced at them all standing there watching. Gina was dabbing her eyes with a handkerchief.

He kissed the corner of Becca’s lips. “As long as I don’t have to consummate the marriage with them, I’m good with that.”

She laughed. “I never thought I’d meet somebody who’d take all this on.”

He stroked her cheek tenderly. “I never thought I’d meet somebody who’d make me want to take this on. To be part of something bigger. But then I met you and everything changed. I changed. I want this, because I want you. And maybe one day we can make our own family, too.”

Becca blinked, her eyes stinging. “I want that.”

“So do I.” His voice was thick. He kissed her again. “I live to make you happy. Who knew I was even capable of that?”

“I knew,” she told him, a half smile on her face.

He nodded. “And that’s why I love you. Because you make me want to be a better person. The kind of person who deserves you.”

“And that’s why I love you,” she whispered, looping her arms around his neck and smiling up at him. She felt radiant. More alive than ever, thanks to him. “Because you do deserve me.”

He brushed her cheek with his lips. “And will you feel that way forever? For the rest of our lives?” he murmured.

She lifted her hand from his neck, turning her fingers to admire the ring. It was beautiful, just like him.

Joy bubbled inside her, as she inclined her head, brushing her lips against his. “I will.”