“That sounds familiar.” Eliana gave a wry smile. “Which is kind of why I wantd to talk to you.”

Becca braced herself for Eliana’s questions, ready to bat them off with a few nonchalant words.

“It’s my birthday on Saturday and I’m hosting a dinner at my house in Charleston, and I’d love for you to join us.”

Becca blinked. She wasn’t expecting that at all. Shifting in her chair, she tried to think of an appropriate response.

“Don’t look so worried. I spoke to Daniel earlier and asked him to invite you, but I know what he’s like. It would be so lovely to have you there. My friend, Julia asked if you were coming – she enjoyed sitting next to you at the ball. I know it’s a drive, but I’ll have a room made up for you. Or for you and Daniel.” Her voice lowered. “Whichever you prefer.”

“I should… talk to Daniel.” Becca shifted awkwardly.

Eliana nodded, a smile pulling at her lips. “Of course.” She lifted her elegant chin, looking Becca in the eye. “I meant what I said to you before. You’re good for him. He’s so much more relaxed than I’ve seen him in years. And he might not say it out loud, but he cares for you. A mother can tell these things.”

Becca’s chest tightened. She so wanted Eliana’s words to be true. “He’s a good man.”

Eliana pressed her lips together, her eyes shining. “I can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted to see him happy. Thank you for making him smile again.”

It was strange how awkward this conversation was, yet it warmed her, too. When she was in Daniel’s arms, everything felt right. But when they weren’t together, she found herself wondering if she was exaggerating the pull between them, or the softness in his eyes when he gazed at her. Last night he’d cooked for her, and she sat in his gleaming kitchen, smiling at how at ease he seemed with a griddle pan and a steak. Yes, he could be difficult, and he clammed up when she asked questions he didn’t want to answer, but he was also soft and loving, and always put her comfort first.

And he’d sacrificed himself for her family’s approval. Let himself be covered in mud to gain her brothers’ respect. He wouldn’t have done that if he didn’t feel something for her, would he?”

“Can I let you know tomorrow about your birthday?” Becca asked.

“Of course. But if anybody can persuade him, you can.” Eliana leaned on the table, the sun behind her catching her white hair. “It would mean a lot to have you both there. And maybe one day Nathan will be there, too. I feel like I’m finally getting my family back, and a lot of that is thanks to you.”

“Family is important.” Becca didn’t know what else to say.

“Yes, it is.” Eliana nodded. “I didn’t know how important until mine started to crumble. So thank you. For bringing him back to me.”

“He came back of his own accord.”

Eliana laughed. “I don’t mean bringing him back from Scotland. I mean bringing back the man who knows how to smile.”

Becca shifted again, looking down at her hands. “I should probably get back to the stills. We’re on a run.”

“Of course.” Eliana stood, and B

ecca followed suit. “I’ll hopefully see you on Saturday.”

“Okay, then.” Becca lifted her hand in goodbye, hoping she didn’t look as uncomfortable as she felt. Maybe this was why they said not to have relationships at work. Because when your big boss was your boyfriend’s mother, it made everything feel awkward as heck.


He didn’t even look up from his laptop as he said it. Becca shifted on the sofa to look at him, folding her legs beneath her.

“Why not?”

Daniel sighed, pressing the laptop screen down, the back light diminishing to a single line before fading away. “Because we’re even. You did my family, I did yours. I’d rather spend this weekend the two of us, preferably naked and sweaty between the sheets.”

Her lips twitched. She secretly liked it when he was grumpy. It reminded her of those days when he couldn’t look at her without a scowl. “It’s your mother’s birthday,” she reminded him. “You can’t miss that. Especially with Nathan in Japan. You’re the only one of her sons who can celebrate with her.”

Daniel sighed, running his fingers through his hair. Today they hadn’t even bothered to pretend to go to their own homes. Daniel had messaged her this morning asking her to stay at his, suggesting she bring a few things to leave at his place, but she’d countered that it would be easier for him to bring a few things to hers.

It was simple, guys needed less things than girls did. And she liked seeing him wince every time he tried to get comfy in her small double bed.

“Why is it that you’re happy to please everybody else in the world but me?” His eyes were dark.

She tipped her head to the side, grinning. “Because it’s so much more fun riling you up. And you should be pleased I don’t try to always give in to your requests. I keep you on your toes.” She leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the cheek. “Don’t tell me you hate the challenge.”