“But don’t you see?” His eyes softened. “They did that because they care. In their own, weird way, they wanted to test me. To make sure I’m good enough for you. My family doesn’t give a shit about me. Not like that.”

“Your mom does.”

He nodded. “Yeah, she does. And Nathan, too, but you’ve already met them. I’m talking extended family. My brother and sister.”

And Melissa. She didn’t vocalize it though.

“Nobody has ever fought for me the way your brothers fight for you. I’m glad you have them. You deserve to be loved and protected. Even from a guy like me.”

“I don’t need protecting from you,” she whispered, her breath quickening as he softly stroked her hair.

“Don’t you?”

“No.” She shook her head resolutely. “I’m not afraid of you.”

“Maybe you should be. I’m afraid of me. Of hurting you so much you won’t ever look at me like this again.”

“Then don’t. Don’t hurt me. Be my protector, too.”

Something flashed behind his eyes. He cupped his hands over her jaw, dropping his brow to touch hers. “I want to,” he whispered, his breath caressing her skin. “I want to be the man who deserves you.”

“You are.” Her throat felt tight. “You don’t need to prove yourself to me, you’re the only one I want.”

His lips were soft and gentle against hers. She could feel the hard ridge of him digging against her stomach. His fingers tangled into her hair, his lips sliding across her jaw and down her neck, making her gasp as he dragged his teeth against her. “What are you doing to me?” he murmured. “I don’t know who I am anymore.”

She gasped as his fingers grazed her hips, pulling her even closer. His lips were worshipping her throat, sending shivers down her spine. The need for him curled and pulsed inside her, making her thigh muscles tense and her nipples harden.

He unbuttoned her jeans, sliding his hand inside, sighing softly as his fingers grazed her. “I can never get enough of you.”

She closed her eyes at the pleasure his fingers were already dragging from her. “You don’t have to.”

Her words disappeared because he knew exactly how to make her feel good. Her knight in tarnished armor. Her once-enemy and now-protector. He made her world shrink until all she could see was him.

And it was the most beautiful sight she’d ever laid eyes on.

“Becca?” a voice called out as she walked down the corridor from the kitchen. It was Monday afternoon and the coffee just wasn’t cutting it. She blamed Daniel for keeping her awake for most of the night on Saturday, his demands so sweetly dirty it made her breath catch in her throat at the memory.

“Hi.” Becca arranged a smile on her face as her eyes met Eliana’s. “How are you?” Please don’t ask me about Daniel. I can’t lie to save my life

“I’m as good as it gets on a Monday.” Eliana laughed. “They’re not my favorite day of the week.” She took Becca’s hand. “Could we have a quick chat in my office? There’s something I want to ask you.”

Becca’s stomach tightened. She wasn’t sure what Eliana knew. She hadn’t seen her since the weekend before last. “Of course.” She followed Eliana down the corridor and through the door to the executive offices. Daniel’s door was shut, and Becca wondered if he was behind there, or somewhere in the distillery. They’d agreed to keep it professional at work, but it didn’t stop him from messaging her.

In fact, her phone had been lighting up constantly. If it wasn’t Daniel asking her if she wanted to go out for dinner and to spend the evening at his, it was one of her brothers begging for her forgiveness. She still wasn’t talking to them, but she knew she would eventually.

Just as soon as she could think of them without wanting to hit them.

“Take a seat,” Eliana said, gesturing at the leather guest chair at her desk. “Can I get you anything to drink?”

“Thanks, but I just had a coffee.” Becca shot her a smile.

“Ah, the famous coffee club. Is it still no guys allowed?” Eliana lifted a brow, walking around to her seat. Everything in here was elegantly neat. The large windows at the back of her room overlooked green fields, the barrel room just visible on the far left.

“We were debating letting them in, but then they launched a full scale assault on the donuts.” Becca laughed. “So now they’re excluded again.”

“They should start their own club.”

“That’s what I told them.” Becca shrugged. “But they refuse to put in any work. They want the women to organize it.”