“Tanner can keep his hands off me for the rest of our lives,” Van said, as though she could read Becca’s mind. “I can’t go through another pregnancy like this one.”

“I’ll make you another carrot cake tonight,” Becca told her.

“And this is why I love you.”

Logan had wisely decided on a family-style menu, putting various dishes on the table for them all to help themselves, rather than wait for everybody to make up their minds and order. Beautiful buttermilk chicken nestled against creamy mashed potatoes, along with steak fillets and fries so crisp you could hear them crackle as you pushed your fork into them, and so many veggies it looked like a harvest table.

The family dug in, laughing and joking as they ate, the men drinking beer and sodas as the women – minus Van – sipped wine. Every now and then, Becca would look over at Daniel to check that they hadn’t killed him.

So far, so good. She liked him alive, with his balls intact, thank you very much.

And then dinner ended, and Gray stood, a mischievous look in his eye.

The meal had passed without any big surprises – and more importantly, without any punches and with his balls still intact. Daniel looked across the table to Becca, who was laughing with her aunt and one of her sisters-in-law, baby George once again nestled against Becca’s chest.

A weird shiver snaked down his spine at the sight.

“Okay,” Gray said, standing with a grin. “It’s football time.”

Daniel looked around for a television.

“Now?” Maddie said, looking up from where she was trying to entertain her twin sons. “But we’re eating.”

“We’ve finished. A little sport will help the digestion, right?” Gray looked at Cam, who nodded, a smile playing at his lips.

“Sounds good.” Cam grinned, looking at his twin.

“I’m up for it,” Logan said, stretching his arms. “All these months of throwing hay have to have been good for my fitness. How about you, Ta


“Sure.” Tanner stood, rolling his shoulders. “Who doesn’t like football?”

Then they all turned to look at Daniel, who was watching them with a bemused smile. Everybody stopped talking, their eyes on him.

“No.” Becca was the first to speak. “No way.”

“What?” Gray said, his voice light. “Daniel, you know how to play football, right?”

“I played a little at school.” This was a set-up, plain and simple. A way for Becca’s brothers to get him alone. He had two choices, say no and look like an idiot or say yes and look like… an idiot.

But at least he’d be an idiot who didn’t back down.

“Great. Hey, Michael,” Cam said, looking at his step-son. Becca had told Daniel that Michael was only fifteen, but he already looked like a man. “You playing? That way we can go three against three.”

“Sure.” Michael nodded. “If you guys can keep up with me, let’s do it.”

“Can I play?” his little brother Josh, asked. “Please?”

Gray exchanged a look with Logan. “Maybe later. We don’t want you to get hurt.”

What kind of game were they planning? Maybe it wasn’t a game, but more of a test.

To see what kind of man he was. Whether he was worthy of their sister. Part of him was pleased that they took her happiness so seriously. The other part? The part that hadn’t picked up a football in about ten years? It was slightly more concerned.

“You don’t have to do this,” Becca said. “We’ve had a nice meal. We can all go home and relax.”

“It’s fine,” he reassured her, trying not to smile at her obvious distress. “I’m happy to play.”