She ignored the warning, swallowing it down. “Well, the good news is that I’m not planning on having kids for a long time. I have a distillery to keep running. The boss there has all these crazy ideas about brewing single malts and using barley, which, by the way, you should talk to Logan and Courtney about. They know a lot about grains.”

“That’s a good idea.” His voice warmed at her abrupt change of subject. “It’s always nice to have an icebreaker when meeting the guys who want to cut off your balls.”

She exhaled. Crisis averted. Daniel slid his hand down her back, cupping her behind to pull her naked body over his. She could feel the hardness and warmth of him against her, sending shots of pleasure to each of her nerve endings, making her want him all over again.

He tipped her head up and brushed his lips against hers. He still wanted her. And she wanted him, too. Sliding her knees beneath her, until she was straddling him, she could

feel his desire surge, hard against her softness, hot and demanding as they kissed, all wet lips and tongues.

“Again?” she murmured breathlessly when she pulled away to catch some air.

“Again.” His voice was deep and rough, his fingers digging into her as she slid herself against him, lining her body up against his in a way that would bring them both pleasure.

The weekend didn’t matter. Nor did the future. Because what they had now was everything. It was time to stop worrying and start living.

And as he slid inside her, making her full and breathless and flushed with pleasure, she’d never felt more alive.

“So, Mom called,” Nathan said, his voice echoing through the phone line. It was eight in the morning in Hartson’s Creek, and Daniel had just arrived at the office when his phone started ringing. Becca would arrive twenty minutes later in an attempt to hide the fact they were sleeping together every night.

“Good for you,” Daniel said. It was strange how he couldn’t get the smile off his face nowadays. Strange and good.

“And she told me you took Becca Hartson to the gala.” Nathan’s voice rose up at the end. He sounded disbelieving.

Daniel shook his head. “So that’s why you’re calling me at nine o’clock at night your time? I thought it might be something important.”

Nathan laughed. “It is important. I’m starting to wonder if I’m living in a parallel universe where you’ve turned into somebody else. What was it you said to me when you thought I was sleeping with Becca? Something about me being a complete idiot.”

“You’re an idiot without sleeping with anybody,” Daniel pointed out. His chest felt tight at the memory of Becca in Nathan’s arms, and how he’d come to the wrong conclusion. He didn’t want her to be in anybody’s arms but his. “And are you really calling just to ask me about Becca?”

“Pretty much.” Nathan sounded like he was grinning. “Mom said she’s never seen you as happy as you were at the gala. So, you and Becca are a thing now?”

Daniel blinked. “Yeah. We are.” It felt weird to admit it out loud.


“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Daniel frowned.

“I never thought I’d see the day where you fell for an employee, that’s all. Or for anybody, come to think of it.”

“Who said I’ve fallen for her?” Daniel sat on his desk, shaking his head.

“You did. You said you were a thing. And I know you wouldn’t be a thing without falling for her. You’d be fighting it all the way. I’m guessing you probably hate yourself for being so human right now.” Nathan laughed again. “I knew it would happen eventually.”

“Well, I’m glad to have proven you right.”

Nathan’s voice softened. “I’m really happy for you, bro. Becca’s an amazing woman, and you’re a good guy. Just make sure you treat her right.”

“She already has four brothers, I’m not sure she needs another,” Daniel said lightly.

“Yeah, but I know you. And your past dating history.”

Daniel inhaled sharply. “That has nothing to do with anything.”

“Does she know about Melissa?”

“Yeah.” Daniel raked his hands through his hair.

“You told her everything?”