“His wife’s first husband?” Daniel’s brow lifted. “Maybe your family is as complicated as mine.”

She pressed a kiss against his chest. “Nothing is as complicated as your family. So, Courtney is Logan’s wife. Her first husband died. She was still living on the farm when she and Logan met. He used to run restaurants in Boston, but now he lives here with her and their son.”

“What’s their son’s name?”


“Okay. So there’s Gray with Maddie, Presley and Marley. Logan with Courtney and George. Who else?”

She lifted her head from her comfortable spot on his chest, gazing up at him. “You have a very good memory.”

“I do when it comes to you.” He trailed his finger down her arm, sending shivers through her.

“Cam used to play safety for the Boston Bobcats before he retired. Now he’s engaged to Mia, who you know from work. They met when her kids threw a ball against his new car. He was so pissed.”

Daniel chuckled. “I would have been, too. So they’re his stepkids?”

“Yeah, Michael and Josh. Really lovely boys. They both love football, which makes Cam very happy. And I think they’ll have more kids soon.”

“Damn, I don’t want to lose Mia. She’s a good Marketing Director.”

“Cam insists he’s going to be a stay at home dad. So you won’t lose her.” Becca shrugged.


“And then there’s Tanner. My nemesis.”

She felt Daniel’s chest rumble beneath her. “Nemesis?” he repeated. “How?”

“We’re the two youngest. We used to fight like cats and dogs when we were kids. He was bigger so he’d usually win. But now I have him exactly where I want him because his wife is pregnant and the only thing she can keep down is my carrot cake. Which means he has to suck up majorly to me.” There was more than a hint of pleasure in her voice.

“And his wife? What’s her name?”

“Van. Short for Savannah. She was a tomboy growing up, so we all called her Van.”

“You knew her when you were younger?”

Becca nodded. “She was Tanner’s best friend. Then the two of them didn’t talk for a few years before they made up and got together.”

“So you have…” His brows pulled together as he thought things through. “Five nephews and one on the way.”

“We don’t know if Tanner’s having a girl or a boy. It’s too early to know. But I’m hoping it’s a girl because I sure could use some female support.”

Daniel tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, his finger lingering there. “How about you? Do you want children?”

Becca shifted against him. Her stomach tightened at his question. It felt like a trap. Say too much and he’d think she was trying to pin him down, too little and she wouldn’t be honest.

She chose honesty.

“Yes, I do. I love my nephews. They bring so much happiness to everybody, but especially to their parents. When I see the love my brothers have for their kids, it makes my heart stop.” She looked up. His expression was unreadable. “How about you? Do you want children?”

“I’ve never really thought about it.” He combed his fingers through her hair, massaging her scalp, his expression unreadable. “I haven’t had a lot to do with children. I don’t have nieces and nephews.”

“Do you think Lawrence and Melissa might have some?”

“I have no idea.” His jaw tightened, a tic dancing in and out. “You’d have to ask them that.” His tone was flat. As though he didn’t want to continue this conversation.

Becca swallowed. Did he still have feelings for Melissa? The thought made her chest feel tight.