“I do.” Her lips curled against his. Then she pulled back to look at the oven. “We have thirty minutes before the cupcakes are due to come out.”

“Thirty minutes?” It was nowhere near enough time. But then he wanted all her time.


He lifted her into his arms, making her giggle. “Okay, I can do something with that.”

“Tell me about your family,” Daniel said, as Becca nestled against his chest. It was Thursday night and they were in his queen size bed, his cool white bedsheets wrapped around their legs.

All week it had been the same. They’d try to ignore each other at work, then go home only to find the other there waiting for them. Except for tonight when they’d both managed to go to their own homes for an hour before Daniel caved and called her, inviting her over.

He was an addiction she wasn’t ready to kick.

“Why?” She smiled curiously.

“Because if I’m meeting them on Saturday I need to know a little bit about them.” His voice was warm. Maybe with a hint of fondness. She snuggled closer.

“Okay, but this could take a while. I’ve told you about my mom dying when I was a kid. So I was brought up by my dad and my Aunt Gina, my mom’s sister. She took care of us all and still lives with my dad, though there’s nothing going on between them.”

Daniel shrugged. “Your family is already more normal than mine.”

“Then there’s my brothers. I guess I’ll start with Gray. You know him from the marketing campaign, of course. And you may have heard his music.”

“Of course I’ve heard his music.”

“I wasn’t sure if he’d reached Scotland,” Becca said.

“It’s not Mars. We have radios and streaming. The Scots are huge music lovers. Some of the best bands come from there. Anyway, he was big before I even left the states.”

“Was it as beautiful as it looks over there?” She drew a circle with her finger on his chest. He’d injected himself earlier, before they ate dinner. It had been strange watching him pierce this hard, taut skin.

“Yeah. I’ll take you there sometime.”

She smiled at his talk of the future. “I’d like that a lot.”

“But now you need to tell me about your brothers if I’m going to survive the weekend.”

She laughed. “Well, Gray’s now married to Maddie, and they live in a beautiful ranch house with a music studio on the edge of town. They have two little boys – twins – Presley and Marley. They’re completely crazy but adorable.”

“How old are they?”

She looked up, amused. “You’re really taking this thing seriously.”

“I just want to know which brother is hitting me,” he joked.

Her eyes crinkled. “That’ll probably be Cam. Or Logan. Gray is calmer than they are. He only gets riled up when you really piss him off. Like when he caught me on the phone with you in his hallway.”

“He’s protective. That’s natural. I was the same with Nathan growing up.”

“You’re still protective of him. Remember how you reacted when you thought we were a couple?”

He brushed his lips over her brow. “I’m very glad you weren’t.”

“Me, too.” She sighed softly. “Next are Cam and Logan. The twins.”

“More twins?”

She shrugged. “They run in the family. What can I say? So, Logan runs the farm and restaurant we’re going to visit this weekend. It was originally his wife’s first husband’s farm, but he bought it out.”