“I can tell you don’t have nephews and niece

s. Cinderella didn’t turn into a pumpkin, her carriage did.”

“What did Cinderella turn into?” He sounded amused.

“Nothing. She’s still Cinderella. Just a little more casually dressed.”

“That sounds like a terrible story.” He cleared his throat.

“Did you know in the original one, her sisters chopped their toes off to fit in the shoe? That’s how desperate they were for Prince Charming. I can only assume he had a big…” She let out a low laugh.

“Well, I won’t make you chop your toes off. But I would like to entertain you with my big…”

“Stop it!” She laughed again. “But I do need that shoe back. It belongs to Mia.”

“I can drop it off tonight. Maybe bring something for us to eat. I miss you.”

Those three words made her chest feel tight. “I miss you, too,” she said softly. “But I was planning on making it an early night. This guy I met kept me awake until the early hours of the morning. If I don’t get some sleep, my boss is going to kill me at work tomorrow.”

“He sounds like a bastard.”

“He is. Demanding, overbearing, and so good in bed I won’t be able to walk for a week.”

“That should make for an interesting few days at the distillery. Maybe you should put in a complaint.”

“I have no complaints,” Becca said. “That’s the problem.”

“Let me come over tonight. I promise not to be demanding. I’ll bring your shoe, you can make me a cup of coffee, then I’ll leave like a good boy.”

“You’re nothing like a good boy.”

He chuckled. “Then I’ll leave like a bad boy.”

“Okay. I’ll be home around seven.”

“I’ll be there at five past.”

Becca grinned, because he wanted her as much as she wanted him. Last night hadn’t been a one off, no matter how much they’d tried to resist the lure of each other. Some things were just too intense to contain.

“You’re very eager.”

“For you, yes.”

A thrill shot through her. “I’ll see you later.”

“You will.” It felt like more than a promise. Her heart thrilled at his words. She was still smiling as she ended the call and put her phone back into her purse, turning around to walk back to the kitchen.

And that’s when she saw Gray, standing a few feet away from her in the hallway, his eyes narrowed as he glared at her, frowning.

Oh shit. She had some explaining to do.

Chapter Twenty-Three

When Becca opened the door, her face was covered with a fine dusting of flour, a black apron tied around her waist with the slogan ‘no bitchin’ in my kitchen’ written in white lettering across the front.

“Nice apron,” Daniel said, as she stepped aside to let him in.

“Thanks.” She glanced over at the kitchen. “I’m just making some cupcakes.”