“Trust me, you can.”

Every part of her was pulsing with pleasure. Her body felt so sensitive that she was moments from screaming out. He curled his fingers again, twisting them in a maddeningly delicious knot that made her blood feel like it was on fire. And then she was coming again, hard and fast, her body boneless as he pulled his fingers from her, spasms wracking through her body until she slowly came down.

“You’re addictive. You’re not kryptonite, you’re crack.” His lips were glistening with her. “I don’t know how I’m ever going to get over you.”

Chapter Twenty-One

They’d almost made it back to the ballroom when Becca stopped. Daniel turned to look at her. She was glorious. She’d done her best to smooth her hair down and fix her lipstick, but anybody who noticed her flushed skin would wonder exactly what she’d been doing.

Not that he cared. Let them gossip. He was too busy trying to figure out how quickly they could leave. He didn’t want to make chitchat or smile politely at another old friend of his late father.

He wanted to be with her. Alone.

“We have to go back to the summer house,” Becca said, her eyes wide.

A slow smile curled his lips. “You want more?”

“No!” Her lips almost trembled. “I think you’ve wore me out. I can barely walk right now. We need to go back because I left my panties there.”

“No you didn’t.” He patted his pocket. “I have them.”

A mixture of relief and shock washed over her features. “Give them to me.”

“You want me to give your panties to you here?” He inclined his head at the open glass doors in front of them. “In front of everybody.”

“Oh god, no. Not here.” She looked around. “When we’re inside. Slip them to me and I’ll put them on in the bathroom.”

“We could do that if you like.” His voice was mild, but his body felt more alive than it had in years.

“What’s the alternative? Leave?”

He shook his head. “I keep your panties and know that you’re walking around without them.” He slid his hand in his pocket, feeling the lace against his fingertips. “You’ll know, too.”

Her chest hitched. “I’ll be bare beneath my dress.” She’d already shown him she was braless, thanks to the cut of her ball gown.

“Yeah.” His voice was rough. “I know.”

She stared at him, her eyes still glazed from their activities. “Would you like that?” she asked, her voice a whisper.

His eyes flashed. “I would. But only if you would, too.”

She shifted her legs, as though she had an itch she couldn’t scratch. He could see the flush of desire wash over her again. How had he stopped himself from touching her before? It was hard to remember. Because now that he knew how she tasted, he wanted so much more.


“Let’s go dance while you think about it,” Daniel suggested, leading her to the center of the ballroom. He had to do something to take his mind off the desperate urge to kiss her, to taste her, to feel himself get lost in her. Just like before, she fit him like a glove, her sweet body pressing against his as he led her around the room.

Every time his thigh touched hers, she gave a little shudder. As though the sensation was too much for her. She was unsteady on her feet. He liked to think he’d made her that way.

“Can I ask you something?” she asked, as they spun away from the band.

“Of course.”

“Why did you do that in the summer house?” Her eyes didn’t quite meet his. “You made me feel good and you ended up frustrated.”

“Because it’s polite to put ladies first.”

Becca smiled. “I’m pretty sure that’s not something you were taught by your mom.”