As they stood in the middle of the floor, couples danced around them, the world carrying on even though her own had stopped. She arched her body against his, a soft sigh escaping her lips as he kissed her again. Firmer this time, the slide of his tongue against her mouth, both a request and a demand. She opened her own, welcoming him in, feeling the sensual throb of her body as he claimed her mouth, ruining her for anybody else.

Time stood still as they kissed and kissed, her world shrinking to the sensation of his mouth against hers. Heat sparked, excitement pulsed, making her nipples hard and her thighs ache. As though he could feel her need, he pressed his muscled thigh against her.

And it helped. A little.

When he pulled back, she blinked, slowly coming back to reality. The music had changed beat. People were dancing faster. Daniel’s eyes were hazy, as thunderstruck as hers. He looked at her questioningly, as though he was trying to work out what just happened.

You just rocked my world, buddy. The same way I rocked yours.

“You can dance, you can kiss.” Her voice was thick. Ragged. “Is there anything you can’t do?”

A ghost of a smile passed his lips. “Maybe I’ll show you later.”

“May I have this dance?”

Becca was still in Daniel’s arms, her lips swollen and parted from the way he’d kissed her. Thoroughly and without mercy. She turned, still dazed, to see Lawrence standing next to them, an amused smile curling his lips.

“We were just going to get some air.” Daniel held her tightly.

“Oh come on, just one dance. To show there’s no hard feelings.” Lawrence’s smile didn’t waver.

Daniel looked down at her, a question in his eyes. She shrugged. “It’s okay by me.” She needed the space to think about what just happened. Because that wasn’t a random kiss.

It was life changing.

“Just one,” Daniel said. “Then I want her back.”

“Of course.” Lawrence chuckled. “I wasn’t planning on keeping this one.”

Ugh, he was odious. But at least he was a good dancer, too, though not as effortless as Daniel. His long legs were stiffer, less at ease. “Are you having a good time?” he asked, as though he hadn’t insinuated he could keep her if he wanted moments earlier.

“Any time I’m with Daniel is a good time.” It wasn’t a lie to rile him, though she did relish the short-lived surprise in Lawrence’s eyes. The fact was, she craved his brother. One taste, and she’d become addicted.

“Your home is beautiful,” Becca said, in an attempt to soothe the wound. “It must take a lot of work to maintain.”

“It does. You don’t own a house like this, you’re a guardian of it. Keeping it up

and going for the next generation. We do tours in the summer if you’d like to see the rest of it.”

From the corner of her eye she could see Melissa talking to Daniel. He nodded unsmilingly, then took her in his arms.

A shot of jealousy racked through her. Melissa danced as well as Daniel. With her dark hair and pale skin she looked like a Hollywood princess in his arms. “I suppose you know that Melissa and Daniel were a thing once,” Lawrence said, following Becca’s gaze.

Daniel looked at her over Melissa’s shoulder. His eyes were dark again. Narrowed. Did he feel as jealous as she felt right now?

She hoped so.

“I know.” She nodded. “A long time ago.”

“She broke his heart,” Lawrence said, his voice full of an emotion she couldn’t quite place. Was it relish? “Made him run away to Scotland. I guess it took this long for it to finally mend.”

“I didn’t know that’s why he went to Scotland.” Becca blinked. Lawrence’s hand was sweaty as it held hers.

“He was always a sore loser. It’s the first time he couldn’t even bear to be in the same country as me, though.”

Melissa laughed at something Daniel had said, her head tipping back, revealing her slender neck. Daniel’s face was impassive.

“He learned a lot about Scotch Whisky while he was there,” Becca said, ignoring the tightness in her chest. “So I guess it was good that he went.”