He lifted an eyebrow. “How could I do that?”

As soon as they made it onto the dance floor, he swept her into his arms, his fingers folding over hers as he slid his right hand down her spine. Becca leaned her cheek against his lapel, feeling the smoothness of the fabric against her skin. The sound of violins filled her ears as he stepped back, twirling her across the floor, moving easily, as though she was as light as a feather.

“You can dance.” She inclined her head to look up at him.

“Yes, Ma’am. Miss Mary’s School of Ballroom. Class of ninety-nine.”

“I must thank your mother. Again.”

He twirled her once more. Even though the dance floor was full, people parted as they danced, whispering softly to each other as they glided past. She felt like she was in a fairytale, the beauty dancing with the beast. Except this beast was already transformed.

When she looked at him again, his eyes were soft. Light. Her lips parted, her chest felt full. No, he definitely wasn’t the beast.

“Everybody’s looking at us,” Daniel said, though he didn’t seem to mind at all. “Wondering what a beautiful woman like you is doing with an asshole like me.”

“I guess they don’t know that assholes are my kryptonite.” She moved her hand from his shoulder, pressing her palm against his neck. Her fingers brushed his hairline, making him swallow hard.

“I have no idea what you’re doing to me.” He danced so easily. Like it was his second language.

“The same thing you’re doing to me.”

“Is that right?”

“I think so.” Her voice was soft.

He closed his eyes for a second. “You make me lose control.”

She pressed her cheek against his chest again, breathing in his warm masculinity. “And that’s a problem?” she asked.

“It is where you’re concerned. Maybe you’re my kryptonite, too.”

“Then stop fighting it.” She closed her eyes, letting him lead her. She was like putty in his hands.

“I have. I’m giving in.”

“To me?” Her lips curled against his chest.

“No, to me. I’m not fighting anymore. I’ve forgotten why I was fighting to begin with.” His hand pressed tighter against her back. She could feel the hard planes of him against her. And a thick ridge that made her breath catch in her throat. He made her feel like a woman, in a way she never had before. Like a delicate glass he could easily crush. Yet he didn’t. Instead he guarded her, protected her, made sure nothing hurt her.

She tipped her head up again. “Kiss me.” Her voice was thick with desire. She’d thought about this moment all week. Fantasized about his mouth and what it could do.

A half smile pulled at his lips. His eyes were heavy lidded, his long eyelashes obscuring her view of them. She could feel a pulse in her neck, dancing to the rhythm of the music. She was full of him. Every sense reacted to his nearness. The sound of his breath, the feel of his strong hold, the manly aroma of him. It all made her want him more.

He paused. It wasn’t a hesitation, she could read that much in his dark eyes. It was more of a savoring. Tasting the moment, the possibilities, the need that rushed through both of their bodies. He was a man who knew how to give pleasure, and knew that so much of that was in the anticipation.

Her skin felt like it was boiling beneath his scrutiny.

“So beautiful,” he murmured, pressing his brow to hers. “The way you look at me, with those wide eyes, makes me want to carry you out of this room and lay you on the nearest bed.”

The thought was like a stab of desire to her belly. “The gossips would have a field day.”

“I don’t give a damn. Do you?” He stopped dancing, pulling her against him.

No, she didn’t. There was only one person she cared about in here, and right now she was in his arms. She could feel his warm breath against her lips, the thrum of blood through her veins reaching a crescendo.

Their first kiss was in an elevator. Enclosed. Full of hot desire. But now they were in a wide open room, surrounded by people. And all she could see was him.

When his lips brushed against hers it made her toes curl. He let out a groan, then brushed them again, the soft, almost-there, pressure maddeningly light. She tightened her fingers on his neck, rolling onto her toes to get closer. He released her hand, sliding his palms down her side, holding her hips to steady her.