He dropped his brow to hers, closing his eyes as he breathed her in. “Because I won’t be able to stop from touching you.”

“You’re touching me now.”

“I’m leaving in a moment. I can do that much at least.”

“We’ll be in public at the ball. It won’t matter if you touch me. If you kiss me, even. You won’t be able to throw me over your shoulder like a caveman.” Although now she had that image in her head, and she couldn’t get it out.

“True.” He ran his fingertip along her jaw, looking at her through his thick lashes.

“Take me to the ball,” she urged. “After that, I promise I won’t push you anymore. I’ll avoid you if I need to. If that’s what you want.”

His fingertip stopped at the corner of her mouth. His brows were dipped, as though he was concentrating. Taking in every one of her features.

“Okay. You win.” He pressed his lips to the tip of her nose. Then to her eyelids, his kisses so soft they sent shivers down her spine. “I’ll take you to the ball.”

Chapter Seventeen

Had he really agreed to take her to the ball at his brother’s house and be seen together in public? Daniel sat back in his office, raking his fingers through his hair, still trying to work out what had happened last night.

He’d sat outside her building for half an hour before he’d given up fighting himself and walked to her condo, letting the dark side of him win through as he knocked at the door.

It wasn’t a lie when he told her she was a magnet. His thoughts always ended with her. She was an attraction he couldn’t shake.

And maybe he didn’t want to.

So now he was taking her to Lawrence’s charity ball because being in public with her was the only way he trusted himself to behave.

Sure. Because you’re always an angel in public.

Why did the voice in his head sound exactly like Nathan?

Not that it mattered. After Saturday, he was pretty sure Becca would be avoiding him for the rest of her time on Earth. Seeing his messed-up family in all its glory should do the trick. He wouldn’t have to do a thing to deter her, the Carters would do it all for him.

Which was a good thing. His family messed people up. You only had to look at his parents’ rocky relationship to know that. Not to mention the messed up relationship between him, Lawrence, and Melissa.

He’d take Becca to the ball, give her the night of her life, then it would be over. He’d go back to his miserable life and live alone, the way he should.

And maybe then he wouldn’t be sitting in his office at seven in the morning thinking about the way her dark hair shone beneath the lights in the still room.

His phone beeped, and he picked it up. His mother’s name appeared on the screen. Saved by the bell. At least if he was talking to her he wouldn’t be thinking about Becca.

“Hi, Mom.”

“Darling, sorry to call so early. I just want to let you know I won’t be in work today.”

“Are you okay?” Daniel frowned.

“I’m fine, not sick. I just have a lot to do. I’m heading up to the city to help Rona get things ready.”

“You’re going to Charleston? But the ball isn’t until the weekend.”

Eliana laughed gently. “I know, but I want to make sure the guest rooms are aired out and made up. And it’ll give me the chance to catch up with some friends, too. I assume you and Becca will want separate rooms? I could put you in adjoining ones, just in case.”

“Becca will be staying at a hotel, as will I,” Daniel said dryly. “And I won’t even ask how you know she’s coming now.”

“For the record, I wasn’t certain she was coming. But you’ve confirmed it,” she said archly. “And Becca can’t stay in a hotel. And nor can you. You have to stay with me, I insist. You’ll be in the guest wing, so if you need privacy you’ll have it.

He rolled his eyes at her insinuation. “I don’t need privacy. I just assume Becca will want some space. She’ll be better off at a hotel. Our family is a lot to take.”