“I notice that you don’t call her Miss Hartson.”

“That’s because she’s not sixty years old. And we’ve been working closely together on the International Blend. Her brother’s the face of it, after all.”

“I’d forgotten that,” Daniel murmured, taking another sip of whiskey. The truth was, he hadn’t paid much attention to the International Blend, or anything going on at the US distillery. Partly by choice – the distillery was well established and his mom and brother were easily able to run it – and partly because Scotland wasn’t only two thousand miles away, but a whole different time zone. He knew about the big changes – the new blend, any major investments – from their biannual shareholder meetings. But the minutiae of running the distillery had passed him by. And he let it.

Until now. Because this building and everything that happened in it was all his again.

“So why isn’t there anything going on between you?” Daniel asked him. “She’s a good looking woman, you’re a single guy, and you obviously get along well.” He blinked, remembering her moss green eyes. The way they’d shone as she’d stared at him.

The way his body had reacted.

Damn, he needed to get some sleep. Jet lag was messing with his mind.

“Because she’s our employee.” Nathan shrugged. “And anyway, it isn’t like that between us. We’re friends. Colleagues. She’s good at what she does and I appreciate that. She’s the little sister I never had.”

“Well at least one

of us has managed not to mess up the family business by falling for the wrong person.” Daniel ran his finger around the rim of his glass.

“Nina hasn’t either,” Nathan pointed out, referring to their half-sister. “It’s just you and Lawrence that like to complicate things.” He tried not to show his distaste as they talked about their older half-brother. Like Nina, he was their late father’s child from his first marriage.

“How is Lawrence anyway? You heard from him recently?” Daniel kept his voice steady.

Nathan looked at him carefully. “You really want to know about Lawrence?”

“I want to know if he’s going to be a problem now that I’m back and running GSC.”

Nathan poured them both another splash of whiskey. “The last time I spoke to Lawrence was when we were finalizing the marketing spend for the International Blend. He’s settled in Charleston. He’s not interested in coming to Hartsons Creek or interfering with the business. As long as he gets his profit sharing, he’s happy.” Nathan lifted his eyebrows. “Or he was. I can’t guarantee what he’ll do now that you’re back. You two seem to enjoy driving each other crazy.”

“He’s always been jealous of me. Wanted what I have.” Daniel lifted an eyebrow. “It’s not my fault.”

“So you’re not the one who pushed yourself until Dad had no choice but to promote you ahead of Lawrence? Or the one who played every sport that Lawrence played, but better?” Nathan shook his head. “You guys have always been deadly rivals. And I know it was encouraged by Dad, but he’s gone now. Isn’t it time you two made up?”

“There’s nothing to make up. We’ve got nothing in common except half our blood. I’ll be civil to him, I always am, but there won’t be any picture perfect reunions or Sunday barbecues for us. And I know that disappoints you because you’re a romantic at heart, and you wish life was a Hallmark movie.” Daniel smiled at his brother, ruffling his hair affectionately. “Sorry, bro. But at least if there are any major explosions, you’ll be safely shielded from them in Tokyo.”

“Why do you think I’m going?” Nathan muttered, though he couldn’t help but grin back at his older brother. “Seriously, just try to get along. For Nina’s sake. You know how she hates us bickering.”

Daniel lifted his glass. “To complicated families. And spending time with those that don’t make you want to carve your balls off with a rusty spoon.”

“To us.” Nathan raised his own glass. “And to having my big brother home, even if we’re only together for a few hours.” His eyes crinkled as he smiled. “It’s good to see you, man.”

Daniel clinked his glass against Nathan’s. “Right back at you.”

“Okay, it would be really good if you stopped laughing now,” Becca said, as Mia spluttered out her coffee, putting her mug on the kitchen island so she didn’t spill any more.

“I’m sorry.” Mia’s eyes were watering, both from choking on her coffee and from the subsequent laughing fit she suffered after Becca told her about meeting Daniel the previous evening. “It’s just that I can picture it perfectly. Only you could meet our new boss when you’re canoodling with his brother.”

“I wasn’t canoodling. I was crying and Nathan was giving me a hug.”

Mia lifted her eyebrows.

“A completely platonic, non-sexual, friendship hug,” Becca added, giving her almost-sister-in-law what she hoped was a withering glare. But it only made Mia laugh harder.

Okay, so maybe it was a bit funny. Or it would be, when Becca got over the embarrassment some time in the next thirty years. She sighed loudly, leaning on the counter as she stared out of the huge glass doors leading to the backyard.

Her brother, Cam, was throwing a football out there with Mia’s two boys. The three of them were laughing as Mia’s youngest son, Josh, threw the ball as hard as he could at Cam, trying to knock him over.

“Is there no pee wee training today?” Becca asked.