He lifted his hand to his temple and took in a deep breath. “Why is it that every time you open your mouth you drive me crazy?” he murmured, then frowned at his own words. “Jesus, I’m supposed to be apologizing, not making it worse.”

“Maybe I just naturally annoy you.” She shrugged. “It’s my superpower. I just never needed it until now.”

“You do annoy me.” His voice was low. “So damn much you wouldn’t believe it.”

She stared back at him, her chin lifted, her eyes narrowed. “The feeling’s mutual.”

“Do you know how hard it was to keep away from you last night?” he carried on as though he hadn’t heard her. “Knowing you were so close yet so far.”

“Why didn’t you come get me?” There was so much tension in the air it was getting hard to breathe. And a little madness in his eyes. The same madness she felt rushing through her body whenever he was near.

He hated her. He liked her. Neither of them mattered right now. Because whatever this thing between them was, it was making the air around them fizz and crackle.

He’s bad news.

Yeah, but bad news had never looked so delicious.

“I didn’t come to your room because I would have been lost.”

It was strange, with been in the sentence. She’d understand it if he’d said he would have lost. But would have been lost? What did that mean? Because it felt like a game they were both about to lose.

The door from the unit across the hall opened. Just the tiniest gap, but enough to let her know that prying ears were trying to listen. She reached forward and yanked him inside, and slammed the door behind him.

Daniel looked down at her hand, still circling his wrist. “Problems?”

“My neighbor works at my brother’s farm.” When he still looked confused, she added, “Well, his and his wife’s.”

“And you don’t want them to know I’m here.” He looked over her shoulder, taking in the apartment. Her living space was all one room, small enough to fit inside the suite he’d stayed in last night, and still have room left over.

“Your hair is wet,” she murmured, more to break the silence than anything else.

“I was working out. Took a shower.” A ghost of a smile crossed his lips. “I thought it would help relieve the stress.”

“Then you decided to come around here and let your tension hit the roof all over again.”

He moved the arm she was holding and put the flowers on the side table. Then he took the tin of muffins from her hands and put them down, sliding his fingers through hers. “I came here because you’re like a damn magnet I can’t avoid. No matter how hard I fight, I keep ending up right in front of you.”

“Why are you fighting?” she asked, confused. “Why do you keep pulling away?”

“Because I’m no good for you.”

Becca lifted a brow. “You don’t strike me as someone who cares how good he is for people.”

“Okay then, you’re no good for me.”


He closed his eyes, inhaling sharply. “That didn’t come out right. You’re a good person, Becca. Too good. Like some kind of flame that lights up every dark corner you find. But some darkness can’t be lit. And I’m so damn afraid I’ll end up breaking you.”

“I’m not that breakable.” Her voice was low. Soft. “And what right do you have to decide whether or not I want to be broken?”

He lifted their joined hands together, pressing the back of her palm against his cheek. He breathed in, then exhaled slowly, not releasing his hold.

“I don’t want to be like my family, messing lives up. I promised myself I wouldn’t. I’m not a nice person. I’m definitely not the kind of guy you should be looking for. I’m the one in the shadows who should give you the creeps.”

She slid her fingers from his, turning her hand so her palm was cupping his jaw. He squeezed his eyes shut, as though it hurt. But he didn’t push her away.

“You don’t give me the creeps.”