Have a fit, probably.

She smiled at Melissa instead. “I have four brothers. The eldest is a musician, my middle brother is a retired football player, and the other two are entrepreneurs.”

“A musician?” Nina said, smiling. “How lovely.” She exuded a motherly warmth.

“Where are you from?” Lawrence asked.

“She’s one of the Hartson’s Creek Hartsons,” Daniel said. She couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or not.

“Oh god, that’s such a quaint little town,” Melissa said. “Do you remember when I had to drive around for two hours trying to find a chai latte?”

Daniel nodded. “I remember.”

Lawrence called the waiter over to take their orders. Melissa’s hands were both on her menu now.

“What’s it like working for Daniel?” Charles asked. It was the first time he’d spoke.

“Hell, probably,” Lawrence muttered.

“Actually, it’s been wonderful.” Becca shot Daniel a smile. He was still stiff, as though somebody had shot a rod through his back. “He challenges me. I like that.”

“But do you challenge him?” Charles asked.

“All the damn time.” Daniel turned to Becca with a wry smile. She grinned back at him. Did he know how devastating his smiles were? Maybe that’s why he didn’t use them very much. The whole world would probably stop turning if he was always smiling.

“Actually,” Daniel said, once he’d given his order. “One of the reasons I’m here is to talk to you about the new product we’re working on. I need board approval for some changes.”

“Do we have to talk about business now?” Melissa asked. “You’ve only just got here.”

“Daniel doesn’t know how to talk about anything else,” Lawrence said smoothly.

Becca felt her own spine stiffen. God, they were horrendous. “Really?” She turned to look at Lawrence and his wife. “I find that Daniel talks about a lot of things.” Reaching up, she cupped Daniel’s cheek. This time he didn’t stop her. If anything, he leaned into her palm.

His gaze met hers. She could see herself reflected in the darks of his eyes. “He’s one of the most interesting men I’ve ever met,” she murmured, staring straight at him. A ghost of a smile passed over his lips. She leaned forward, pressing her mouth to the corner of them.

“What are you doing?” Daniel murmured into her ear.

She turned her head so they couldn’t see her. “Just go with it. Your family are assholes.”

She felt his chest move with a chuckle. But he didn’t pull away. Instead, he moved his hand to the back of her neck, his fingers stroking her skin. An electric shiver shot through her.

“I’m only interesting because you like me,” Daniel said, his voice louder now.

“Is that right?” She smiled up at him. God, she wanted to feel his lips on hers again. Properly this time. How had she ever thought he was an asshole? Compared to his family, he was sweetness and light.

He dropped his brow until it was touching hers. She could feel the warmth of his breath against her skin. Then he tipped his head until his lips brushed against hers and she was on fire.

Okay, not literally. But damn, her whole body felt like it had been turned up twenty degrees.

Somebody cleared their throat. Daniel winked at her, then released his hold on her neck, slowly pulling back, as though the world hadn’t just tilted on its axis.

It took her a few seconds to remember how to send a message from her brain to her muscles. As she turned away from Daniel, she realized that all four of them were staring at them.

Charles was grinning. Nina looked surprised. Lawrence was shaking his head, and Melissa was glaring with narrowed eyes.

Becca felt Daniel relax beside her. “Sorry,” he drawled. “I can’t help it. She’s beautiful.”

They’d finished dessert before business was brought up again. In another time, the gentlemen would probab