Melissa’s pink lips curled up as she looked at Becca. “Hello.”

“And this is my sister, Nina and her husband, Charles.” Daniel gestured to an older couple, the woman with a short sandy bob that held a natural wave. The man with her had a shiny dome of a head, with closely cropped hair along the sides.

“Becca?” Nina said. “Short for Rebecca?” She offered her hand to Becca, who shook it.

“Yes, but nobody calls me that. Unless I’m being yelled at.” She smiled.

None of them smiled back at her. Okay, so humor wasn’t going to cut it. Daniel slid his hand from hers and pulled out a chair, pressing his palm against the small of her back as she sat down. The others followed suit, as the waiter took her and Daniel’s drink orders.

“Just a glass of wine for me, please.”

“Of course, Madam. Would you like to look at the wine list?”

She shook her head. “House white will be fine.”

“They do an amazing Californian Pinot here,” Melissa said. She had a low husky voice. The kind that could lull you into a warm happy sleep. “You should try it.”

“She can have the house white if she wants it,” Daniel said, not looking at his brother’s wife. “Choose whatever you like.” He gave Becca a tight smile.

She could feel the stress wafting off him. The relaxed, smiling Daniel of only a few minutes ago had disappeared. So this was what his family did to him.

“What are you drinking?” she asked him.

“Something red,” he told her. “And alcoholic.” The last bit was said so low that only she could hear.

She gave him a smile. “Why don’t you order for me, too?”

Daniel took the wine list from the waiter, shooting her a warm look. He quickly ordered and handed the list back.

“So, Becca, what do you do?” Nina asked, smiling tightly over at her.

“I’m a distiller at GSC.”

Lawrence lifted a brow. “A workplace affair, Daniel?” From the corner of her eye she could see Daniel’s jaw twitch.

“It’s not an affair,” Daniel pointed out. “Neither of us are married.”

He hadn’t denied a relationship between them, even though it would have been the truth. Becca tried to ignore the thrill shooting through her veins.

“Still, we all know that work and pleasure don’t mix. Or they shouldn’t.” Lawrence lifted a cocktail to his lips, his knuckles white as he held the glass. “Isn’t that right?”

Becca shifted in her seat. There was an undercurrent between them that she couldn’t quite work out. It felt like more than bad blood over their parents’ relationships.

“I didn’t realize you were still interested in my love life.” Daniel took his wine glass from the waiter, lifting it straight to his lips. When he’d taken a sip, he placed it on the table.

“I’m just making conversation.” Lawrence shrugged. He looked at Becca. “Would you like me to change the subject?”

Becca lifted her chin and met his gaze. “Only if you want to. You’re not making me uncomfortable.”

“See?” Lawrence said to Daniel. “Becca’s fine with the questions.”

“Then ask her.” Daniel’s voice was low.

Melissa’s arm moved beneath the tablecloth, as though she was squeezing her husband’s leg. “What does your family do?” she asked, smiling at Becca.

Daniel gave a short laugh. “Why do you assume her family does one thing? Not everybody lives off their ancestral wealth. Some people make their own way in the world.”

Damn he was stressed. Becca wondered what he’d do if she squeezed his thigh like Melissa was squeezing Lawrence’s.