“I told her she had a lot to learn. Which she does. And that there are aspects of the blend that could be improved. Which there are.” He ran his finger around the rim of his wine glass. “She’s too green. Too eager to please. I need somebody who won’t stop until they make the best glass of whiskey they’ve ever tasted.”

“You’re describing yourself, darling. And there’s only one of you in this world.”

Daniel arched an eyebrow. “Is that relief I hear?”

His mother laughed. “She’s a good distiller. I don’t understand why you’ve taken a dislike to her. Nathan was always singing her praises.”

“I bet he was.”

The smile slipped from her lips. “What’s that supposed to mean? Is there something going on between Nathan and Becca?”

“No.” He wasn’t going to tell his mom that Becca Hartson seemed overfriendly with the staff. Or that he’d caught her in Nathan’s arms the night he arrived back. The memory tasted like bottom shelf liquor on his tongue.

“It wouldn’t matter if there was, would it?” Eliana continued. “We don’t have anything in our contracts that says staff can’t have relationships. It’d be rather hypocritical, since your father and I met at the distillery.”

“You owned the distillery. Or half of it. There’s a difference.”

“I owned nothing at the time. My father was still alive and your father’s partner. I worked for him and Larry.” Eliana smiled at Daniel over the rim of her glass. “So technically, Nathan and Becca would be no different than your parents.”

“There’s nothing going on between Nathan and Becca. Nathan assured me of that. They’re just friends.”

“So why have you taken a dislike to her?” Eliana put her glass down.

“I haven’t. I just don’t want her working on this project.” It’d be almost impossible to avoid her. For the past few days he’d had good success at not being wherever Becca Hartson was. He’d even managed a few hours without thinking about her.

“Well, she deserves a chance at least. Along with anybody else who applies for the job.”

“You want me to interview her for the role?”


“But I know what she can do.”

“Do you?” Eliana lifted an eyebrow. “Or have you made assumptions? The fact is, Miss Hartson is more than qualified for the job. We’ve trained her for this. If you don’t interview her, you stand a good chance of being accused of bias.”

“I’m not biased,” he protested. “I just want the single malt to be a success.”

r /> “Then don’t wreck it before it starts with any lawsuits or discrimination. Give her a fair crack of the whip, that’s all I ask. If she loses the job fair and square, then I’ll be happy.”

Daniel looked at her carefully. “Why are you so keen on Becca Hartson all of a sudden?”

“I’m not keen on her. I just know a good worker when I see one. And the fact she’s a woman makes me interested in her success.”

“There are plenty of women working at G. Scott Carter.”

“In the still room?”

Daniel frowned. “Well… no. But we have plenty in top jobs in the rest of the company. We’re an equal opportunity employer.”

“Then let’s give her an equal opportunity.”

He leaned back in his chair. He knew when he was defeated. Mostly because his mother was right. Becca did deserve a chance to show what she could do. And if she was anybody else, he’d be pushing for them to get the opportunity. But Becca Hartson… she made him second guess himself. She was attractive and aggravating and so damn eager to please everybody.

Except him. She never seemed that eager to please him. Maybe that’s what was so annoying. He wasn’t sure. All he knew was working with her would be dangerous.

“Okay.” He said it with a sigh.

Eliana lifted a brow. “Okay?” she asked.