
Taking a deep breath in, she attempted to center herself. Okay, so she’d arrived at work with her half-dry hair flowing wildly around her shoulders and her blouse practically open to her breasts. But it was salvageable. Sandy would have a sewing kit. Like a Girl Scout, she was always prepared.

It’d take five minutes to sew the button back on in the bathroom and tame her hair into submission. Then she could start today all over again with the zen mindset her morning yoga was supposed to give her.

In the meantime, she’d use the box of scones to cover herself up. Sure, she had to squeeze her arms against her side and lift her hands to a stupid height, but it was better than flashing the entire workforce of GSC.

The double glass doors swished open and she stepped into reception, opening her mouth to ask Sandy for a needle and thread.

And then she shut it again, because Sandy wasn’t alone.

Lounging on the reception desk, his dark tailored pant-clad legs stretched out to the floor, was Daniel Carter.

And he was laughing. Actually laughing. Not grimacing or glowering or shaking his head. Instead, there was a weird noise that sounded almost like a chuckle as his eyes sparkled and he said something to Sandy, who giggled back.

Becca hugged the box closer to her chest. She’d make a run for the bathroom and message Sandy from there. But as she moved her feet to the left to head for the still room door, two heads turned to look at her.

“Becca. What have you got there?” Sandy asked, a smile still lifting her painted lips. She turned to look at Daniel. “Did you know our Becca is an amazing baker? We call her the sugar queen.”

Thanks, Sandy.

Daniel wasn’t smiling any more. Instead, he was staring straight at her with those killer blue eyes. “I’d heard.”

“Come over here and show us what you have,” Sandy said. “I swear every time you bring food in I put on another pound. But it’s worth it.”

“That’ll be the sugar,” Daniel said. He looked Becca up and down and she tried not to react. “Okay, let’s see what you’ve got.”

“Actually, I need to go and do someth—”

Daniel reached for the cake box, his long fingers wrapping around the lid. Becca tightened her grasp and tried to take a step back, but his hold was surprisingly tight, stopping her movement.

Panicked, she tried to yank the box back again, but there was no give at all. Daniel’s brows knitted, his grasp on the box loosening, right as her own fingers slipped on the plastic and the box tumbled to the floor.

“Oh my!” Sandy called out, standing up behind the desk.

Becca didn’t need to look down to know another button had flown off her blouse. She could feel the rush of cool air against her skin. Her breath caught in her throat as she somehow brought her gaze to Daniel’s.

And he was staring straight at her chest.

“Fu—” His eyes were dark. “Sorry.” He blinked, thick lashes sweeping down. His cheeks were as pink as Becca’s. But then his gaze locked on hers, holding it for a long, silent moment.

And she felt something weird. Her skin was all warm and tingly. Still, she couldn’t look away. It felt like the world had narrowed to the size of a pin, containing only the two of them.

He ran the tip of his tongue along his bottom lip, and the movement made her heart clammer against her ribcage. Every nerve ending she had stirred and tingled, her body so aware of his.

His jaw was set, as though he was gritting his teeth, but their connection held strong. As though neither of them wanted to look away. Maybe they couldn’t.

Why did he have to be so attractive? And so angry?

Slowly, he reached out, pulling the gaping edges of her blouse together, covering her exposed flesh, his fingers burning against her skin. Her flush deepened as she felt her nipples harden in reaction.

Daniel’s eyes flashed with recognition. As if he knew the affect he was having on her.

With one hand still holding her blouse closed, he reached for her own, lifting it until her fingers could take his place. Then he stepped back, inhaling sharply before dipping down to pick up the box of scones, turning to put them on the counter as Sandy leaned down and searched through the desk drawers for her emergency kit.

What the hell just happened? Becca blinked, because she felt like she was floating. She had to look down to make sure her feet were still firmly touching the ground.

“I found it!” Sandy called out. Her expression held no clues as to whether she could sense the tension between Becca and Daniel. “Ooh, are they cheese scones?” She’d lifted the lid off the plastic box.