She reached down to feather her fingers against his erection. “You’re so hard.”


p; “Don’t you know how you affect me by now? It’s like your body sings to mine.”

“I guess it could be therapeutic,” she murmured. “If you stay very still.”

He blinked. “Therapeutic?”

“You’ve had a hard day.” Her lips curled at his surprise. “You need some stress relief.”

He took her face between his palms, looking into her pretty eyes. “Are we okay?” he asked her, an edge to his voice.

“We’re more than okay.”

“You don’t hate me anymore?”

“Only a little bit.”

He laughed, and it hurt his bruised ribs. “I’ll take that.”

“I love you, too.”

Daniel inhaled sharply, his eyes so soft she could lose herself in them. “I love you more.”

He pulled her on top of him, sliding his hands along her thighs. She straddled him, her hips circling.

“I thought you didn’t believe in love.” She rolled her hips again

“Did I say that?” He curled his hands around her waist. Steadying her. Taking control.

“You said you didn’t know what love was, if it existed at all.”

He tugged at her nightgown, pulling it over her head. His breath caught as his gaze slid over the curves of her breast, her tight stomach, the flare of her hips.

“I know what it is.” His gaze was intense. “It’s like being stabbed and kissed by the same person. It’s being so happy you can’t figure out how you ever didn’t feel this way. It’s seeing somebody smile and your heart stopping because you put that damn smile on their face. It’s knowing you can’t live without them, and being terrified you’ll really fuck it up next time.”

She brushed her lips against his, smiling. “There’s going to be a next time?”

“I can almost guarantee it. The sun rises, the world turns, Daniel Carter fucks things up.”

“I have something you can fuck up.”

He laughed, looking surprised at her swearing. “You do?”

“Mmhmm. So why don’t you stop all this emo stuff and take me already?”

He slipped his thumb into the waistband of his pants, wriggling it down his hips. Becca pushed herself above him, letting him kick them down past his feet. He looked up at her breasts, propping himself up on his elbows to capture a nipple between his lips. Her head fell back as she whispered his name, her hands grabbing at the sheets in an attempt to steady herself.

He slid his fingers between her legs, his lips curling softly as he felt how ready she was for him. Flicking her with his thumb, he kissed her hard, not caring about the cuts on his face, or her worried glances. He wanted to give her pleasure, to feel her submit to it. To feel her ripple around his fingers until she couldn’t form a coherent sentence.

And once he’d done it, she leaned forward, her lips trembling as she kissed him softly. A moment later, he heard the rip of foil, and felt her hands sliding the condom over his hardness. Soon, her palms were replaced by the warm sheath of her over him, her tightness taking his breath away.

“Does it hurt?” she whispered, when he gasped.

“So good.”

She laughed and rocked her hips, making him groan louder.