“He’s not the only one who behaved badly.” Daniel breathed heavily. “I’ve not been an angel.”

“Yeah, but you grew up a lot while you were away. It did yo

u so much good. And then there’s Becca.” Her voice was warm. “She’s so beautiful and good for you. I’ve never seen you happier than you were at the gala.” Nina lowered her voice, saying something Becca couldn’t hear.

“Thank you.” Daniel’s voice was choked. “That means a lot.”

“There’s one more thing. I’m calling my lawyer tomorrow to have my shares in the distillery transferred to you and Nathan equally. Lawrence has agreed to do the same. We discussed it this morning before I came here.”

“Why?” Daniel sounded incredulous.

“Because I don’t want it to be the thing that tears us apart. There’s been too much of that. You and Nathan put in all the work, you deserve to have the shares. And it’s not as though Lawrence or I need the money.”

“I can pay you.”

“No.” Nina’s voice was firm. “It’s not about money, it’s about family. That’s what we are, even if it doesn’t feel like it sometimes.” She sighed softly. “And maybe you can come and see us sometimes just because you want to see your sister, not because you want the go ahead for something at the distillery.”

“I could do that.” Daniel’s voice cracked.

“I know you and Lawrence will never see eye to eye. And you don’t have to. But I love you both and want you to be happy. Maybe one day that happiness will include forgiving him for what he did.”

“For Melissa?” Daniel asked. “I forgave him for that long ago.”

“No, I mean for Becca. For trying to split you apart. That was so much worse, because she means something to you.” Nina cleared her throat. “And now I need to go home. Let you recuperate.”

“You can stay.”

“No, darling. But don’t be a stranger, okay?” The sound of footsteps echoed from the living room and the next moment the door opened. Becca stood there, holding the sweet tea Nina probably didn’t want anymore.

Nina’s lips twitched when Becca handed her the glass. She took a polite sip. “Thank you.” Inclining her head to the door, she smiled at Becca. “Will you walk me out?”

“Of course.”

They walked together to the door. Becca opened it and took the glass from Nina.

“Are you all right?” Nina asked her. “After last night?”

Becca gave her a half smile. “I will be.”

“I’m so sorry you got caught up in all that sibling rivalry.”

“I’m kind of used to it with four brothers,” Becca said, shrugging.

Nina’s eyes were warm. “He’s a good man, you know? He’s been hurt and he doesn’t always know how to do the right thing, but he has the kindest heart when he lets it show.”

“I know.” Becca’s throat felt tight.

“He and Melissa were never right. I could tell that from the start. She’s so much happier with Lawrence. He gives her the life she always wanted, at the center of Charleston society.” Nina exhaled softly. “What happened last night was just her getting caught up in the past. It hurts when a guy passes you over and chooses somebody else. Even when you’re married.” Nina smiled.

“I know.” Becca nodded. It was true. She knew Melissa wasn’t really a threat. She also knew she over reacted last night.

“I told Daniel something that I want to tell you, too.” Nina was on the front step. A light breeze lifted her hair. “I’ve never seen him look at anybody the way he looks at you. He’s so in love with you, Becca. If you can, please find a way back to him.”

Becca’s lip trembled. “I will,” she whispered.

“Good.” Nina smiled. “Now go back inside. I have a feeling you two have some talking to do.”

Chapter Thirty-Two