Daniel gave a half smile. “Thank you. I’ll try that.”

“Are you okay?” Mia asked. His eyes met hers and he gave her a slight nod.

“I’m fine, thanks to the EMTs and doctors.” His eyes lifted. “And to Becca.”

“I didn’t do anything,” she pointed out. She was still trying hard not to ogle his body. He was hurt, but damn, did he look good.

“You did.” His voice was soft. “More than you know.”

His eyes caught hers, and she felt breathless. The corner of his mouth lifted, and she mirrored his action, blood rushing through her ears.

“We should go,” Mia said, hastily standing up. “We have lots to do, remember?”

“We do?” Aunt Gina asked. “Like what?”

Mia rolled her eyes. “Like tidy your garden. And there’s that jigsaw you were halfway through. And I need to go home and make sure Josh and Michael are doing their homework.”

Aunt Gina huffed. “I haven’t even finished my tea.”

From the corner of her eye Beccca saw Mia shake her head. “I’ll make you some, now lets go.” She pulled at the sleeve of Aunt Gina’s dress. Aunt Gina huffed again, slowly rising up.

“I don’t know why everything has to be such a rush nowadays,” she complained. “I just wanted to stay and admire the view.”

Daniel’s eyes caught Becca’s once more, and she had to swallow down a laugh. Mia looked almost fraught as she hustled Gina over to the kitchen door. “No need to see us out,” she shouted. “We’ll just close the door behind us.”

“Why are you shouting?” Aunt Gina asked her.

“Because I’m making a point. Come on, let’s go. Those two need to be alone.”

“Why?” Their voices were getting fainter, but their conversation was still audible. Becca was torn between laughter and embarrassment. Daniel was still looking at her, his eyes soft.

“Because they need to talk.”

“They can talk with me here,” Gina said. The sound of the front door opening came as a relief. Surely she couldn’t make things any worse. “Anyway, I was enjoying looking at that young man. Did you see his chest? Reminded me of a young Burt Lancaster.”

“You can stay over and ogle Cam’s chest instead,” Mia said, sounding as though her teeth were gritted.

“He’s my nephew. That’s disgusting.” The door closed and their voices were gone.

Becca lifted her hand to her mouth, mortification winning out over amusement. “Oh my god,” she whispered, her eyes wide.

“I love your family,” Daniel told her. “And I love you.”

Her mouth dropped open. All thoughts of Aunt Gina flew out of her mind. “You do?”

He nodded. “Yes, I do. And I’m so damn sorry about last night. I can’t stand that I hurt you. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I messed it up.” He was standing ten feet away from her, but she could feel the warmth of his words curl around her. “Can we talk? I really want to explain.”

“You need to check your glucose level.” Her voice was faint. He was actually admitting that he loved her? Her chest felt so full it could burst.

“I know. And I should probably get dressed, too.” He looked down at his bare, bruised chest. “Will you give me ten minutes?”

Becca nodded.

His lip curled. “Thank you. I’ll be right back.” He glanced over his shoulder as he carried his overnight bag out of the kitchen, his eyes catching hers once more.

“I’m one lucky sonofabitch that you’ll even listen to me,” he told her. “This time I’ll try not to mess it up.”

He loved her. She couldn’t stop smiling as she waited for him, putting the casserole Aunt Gina had brought into the refrigerator and carrying her own bag to the bottom of the stairs. Daniel was walking down, wearing a pair of grey sweats and a dark blue t-shirt, rubbing his hands through his damp hair.