“So are you.” He smiled and it made her heart skip. “And the scan was fine. The technician saw no problems, but the doctor will look at it before I’m discharged.”

“That’s good.” She shot him another smile.

All she could really think about was that he loved her. And she loved him too, and she needed to tell him soon.

Some secrets weren’t meant to be kept.

“I wish he’d let me take him home,” Eliana said to Becca as they waited outside for Daniel to dress. “He’s so stubborn sometimes.” She took one look at Becca’s amused smile and added, “Actually, he’s stubborn all the time. He hates being sick, he always has. He makes the worst kind of patient.”

“I’ll stay with him,” Becca said. She’d already said she would to Daniel. Neither her nor Eliana wanted him to be alone.

And it would give them time to talk. Time they both needed.

“Thank you.” Eliana gave her a grateful smile. “My driver will take you both. I’m so glad he has you to take care of him. He’s different when he’s with you. I know he isn’t always the easiest man in the world, but you’re good for him.”

Becca’s chest tightened. “He’s been good for me, too.”

“I hope the two of you work things out.” Eliana patted her arm. “I can’t tell you how long I’ve waited to see him happy. If I had known you were the one to make him smile again, I would’ve sent you to Scotland years ago.” She shook her head. “No, actually, it happened as it was meant to. The last person he ever listens to is his meddling mother.”

“He loves you a lot. Talks about you all the time. I believe he has you to thank for his dance skills.”

Eliana shook her head, amused. “He hated those dance lessons. It was a battle of wills every Saturday morning.”

“And yet he learned how to dance anyway.”

“His father told him Lawrence was a wonderful dancer. That’s all it took for him to push himself hard.” Eliana sighed. “My late husband encouraged their rivalry. Enjoyed it, even. I think he liked having two boys constantly vying for his attention. But it didn’t do either of his sons any good.” She smiled sadly. “That’s why I keep encouraging them to build bridges now that their father has gone. Though I’m not sure if I only make things worse.”

“Families are difficult,” Becca sympathized. “So many dynamics going on under the surface.”

“I knew you’d understand.” Eliana nodded. “Though your family is lovely. That’s all I really wanted. A husband who loved me and children who were happy. Including Lawrence and Nina.”

“Maybe they are happy. Nathan’s enjoying himself in Tokyo. Nina seems fairly content with life. And Daniel…” Becca smiled wryly. “Is Daniel. Lawrence has Melissa, that must make him happy.”

“Lawrence and Melissa suit each other.”

Becca lifted an eyebrow but said nothing. Her jealous feelings about Melissa still weren’t resolved. She knew she needed to work on that.

“I don’t mean they deserve each other in a bad way.” Eliana shook her head. “They just like the same things. The old fashioned life. Keeping history alive in their home. Being part of the social scene in Charleston. Daniel hated all that. The only thing he loved was making whiskey. Until you.”

Their eyes met, an understanding flowing between them. Eliana pressed her lips together, her eyes shining, full of words she didn’t vocalize.

Please forgive him.

I’m going to try.

Don’t hurt him.

I don’t want to. I love him, too.

The door to Daniel’s hospital room opened, and he walked out, wearing clothes Eliana had brought him. Dark jeans and a t-shirt, his hair brushed and raked back from his face, revealing the bruises and cuts caused by the airbag.

“Everything okay?” His gaze slid from Becca to Eliana and back again, eyes narrowed as though he knew they’d been talking about him.

“Yep.” Becca smiled, her throat tight as she took him in. Even damaged, his face was beautiful. “Your mom says you’re not to give me any problems while I’m playing nurse.”

His lips twitched. “And I always do what my mom tells me.”

“You should.” Eliana kissed his cheek. “I know best, after all.”