One by one, they’d hugged her and told her to call them as soon as she got home. She rolled her eyes at their protectiveness, even though it secretly made her feel warm inside.

When they’d finally walked out of the hospital, Becca returned to Daniel. His mom had arrived around when he was due back from his scan, and she’d insisted on Becca going to get some breakfast and a coffee while she took over.

“I think you’ve aged me ten years.” Eliana’s voice echoed out of Daniel’s room as Becca approached it. She slowed her steps, they were obviously in mid-conversation. No need to interrupt them.

“You still look about forty. I saw the way that technician was looking at you,” Daniel teased.

A Daniel that teased? That was new. Becca smiled at the development.

“Don’t try to win me over with flattery. I’m your mother, I know how you work. You have to take better care of yourself, or god help me I’ll start calling you every hour.”

“Becca’s already read me the riot act.”

Eliana laughed. “Good for Becca. Somebody needs to take care of you.” Her voice lowered, and Becca had to lean closer to the door to hear. Yes, eavesdropping was wrong, but they were talking about her now.

And she really wanted to hear what they had to say.

“Speaking of Becca, have you two made up?”

There was silence, save for Eliana’s high breaths, and Daniel’s lower ones. “We’ve agreed to talk. Later.”

“Oh, darling. Does that mean there’s hope for you two?”

“If I stop being an ass, then maybe.” He cleared his throat. “I hope so, anyway.”

Becca held her breath. She hoped so, too.

There was another silence, as though they were communicating silently. “What happened with you and Melissa, it was heartbreaking. But you two were never meant to be.” Eliana’s voice was soft.

“I know that. I think I knew it all along. It was easy to get swept up in everything, and then she got pregnant and there was no choice…” Daniel sighed.

“I can’t lo

se you again, darling. Not the way we lost you when you left for Scotland.”

“I didn’t leave because of Melissa. I left because of me. I’d failed everybody. I could barely stand to look myself in the mirror, let alone have you look at me.”

“You didn’t fail me. You never have. I love you. And I know you and Melissa weren’t supposed to be because you never looked at her the way I see you look at Becca.”

“Is that right?”

“You think you’re being so damn clever walking through the still room looking at her when you think everybody is busy. But these things don’t escape me. I know you too well. You’re in love with her.”

Becca’s eyes widened. She could feel her spine tingle.

“Yeah, I am.”

Her breath caught in her throat. He loved her? It felt like the sun bursting through the clouds of her heart.

“You should tell her.”

“I will. But not when I’m wearing a damn gown in a hospital bed.”

Eliana laughed. “Okay, then. Do it your way. You always do.”

Trying to rearrange her features, Becca made a show of stomping the last few feet to Daniel’s room, smiling nonchalantly as she walked inside.

“You’re back. How was the scan?” She kissed Eliana’s cheek, and his mom hugged her back.