The first thing Daniel noticed was the piercing light. Quickly followed by the dryness in his mouth and the constant tugging on his arm. It took him a moment to realize he wasn’t in his own bed, and that the person tugging was a nurse, taking blood from the catheter on his hand.

The nurse smiled as he tried to pull his arm away. “Mr. Carter, you’re awake. Let me go tell the doctor. Don’t move, okay?”

“Wasn’t planning on it.” He reached his hand up to touch his face, wincing as pain shot through his cheekbone. He’d been driving, he could remember that much. Had he been in an accident? Was anybody hurt. He tried to sit up, but his head was too dizzy.

“Mr. Carter,” a warm voice said. “I’m Doctor Reynolds. It’s good to see you awake.”

“How long have I been here?”

“You were brought in last night. Do you remember anything from then?”

He shook his head, and immediately regretted it.

“You were in an accident on the highway. From your glucose levels when you were brought in, we believe you were having a hypoglycemic episode which led to you losing consciousness. The good news is that you were already driving toward the shoulder, and that no other vehicle was involved.” She gave him a tight smile. “The bad news is you drove into a tree at around twenty miles an hour. According to the police, your car didn’t make it, but I’m glad to say that you did.”

Was that her attempt at humor? Daniel wasn’t sure if he was supposed to laugh.

“We just ran your blood, and your glucose levels are normal now. We’ll be taking you down for a brain scan to make sure nothing was affected by the hypoglycemia and the crash. You’re a little beaten up, and needed some stitches to your face, but all in all you had a lucky escape.”

“I can go home?” Damn, he needed to leave now.

“If we’re happy with the results of your scan, yes. But you’ll need to take good care of the wounds and come back if there are any problems.”

“Can I call somebody? My… friend was expecting me last night. She’s probably worried about me.” Damn, he hoped she was.

“Is her last name Hartson?”

“Yes.” He didn’t try to nod, assuming it would hurt.

“She’s here. Been here all night according to the nurses. Kept asking about you. Her brothers

are here, too.” The doctor blushed. “Would you like to see her?”

His throat tightened at her words. “I would. Please.”

As he waited for Becca to come up, memories of last night flooded into his mind. Becca’s discovery of his loss, her reaction to it. His reaction to her understandable shock. He’d been an asshole. So afraid that she’d find out who he really was. The man who couldn’t even be there when his girlfriend was losing their child.

The self centered sonofabitch that pushed everybody away, because his father had taught him he’d never be good enough. He’d fulfilled that prophecy himself, thanks to his stupid decisions.

He should have told her about the baby. Not because he was ashamed, but because that loss was part of him, and he wanted her to know all of him.

Even if he’d lose her when she did.

“Here he is,” he heard a voice echoing from the hallway outside his door. “He’s awake but a little beaten up. There are bruises and cuts on his chest and face. They should heal quickly, but he’ll need to rest today. We’ll do a scan and release him as soon as we can.”

“You think he could have brain damage?” Even though Becca’s voice was asking that question, his body stilled at the sound of her. She was close. It was all he needed to know.

“All indications say no. But it’s prudent to check.”

“He has an emergency pack. There are glucose tablets and raisins in there. Wasn’t it in the car?”

“Nothing was found on him apart from his wallet and phone. There’s an emergency card in there. That’s how we contacted his mother. I’m glad he has a pack, though he needs to remember to take it with him.”

“He will,” Becca growled. He smiled at the vehemence of her words. Smiled even wider when she walked into his room, the light of the morning streaming in with her. Her hair was pulled into a messy bun, her face free of makeup. She looked about twenty standing there with her hands pressed to her hips, a mixture of relief and anger washing over her face.


She exhaled heavily. “Hi.” Walking over to his bed, she grimaced at the sight of his face.