“Yeah, but he was silently hungry. We like that in a brother.” Logan jabbed Tanner with his elbow.

“You okay, kid?” Gray asked softly, ignoring their brothers’ bitching as he sat down next to Becca.

“Yeah.” But her stinging eyes said otherwise. So did her aching body, her tight chest, and the throbbing in her head.

“Come here.” Gray pulled her into his arms, resting her face against his chest. He kissed her hair. “It’s okay. Everything’s going to be okay.”

She could feel hands patting her back. Her brothers. They’d come all this way to be with her. That made the tears start to flow, because she’d been so damn alone for the past few hours.

“What happened?” Gray asked, stroking her hair. Becca gave them a brief rundown of the doctor’s report from the previous night.

“And have they been in to update you since?”

She shook her head. “I went to the desk a couple of times and they promised to send somebody to update me, but I guess they’re too busy.”

Gray’s jaw tightened. “Cam, can you come sit here?” He stood and Cam took his place, folding Becca in his arms. Everybody knew that Cam gave the best hugs in the family. He didn’t ask questions, didn’t give advice, he just held you hard until you felt better.

“Where are you going?” Logan asked.

“To use a little of the Hartson charm on the medical staff. Becca needs an update.”

Cam chuckled, and it made her body shake. “Try not to dazzle them too much. They have a job to do, remember?”

Of course he would. Gray dazzled everybody. He’s been known to make grown women become mute. And right now she was so happy he was here. If anybody could charm some information out of them, it was him.

Five minutes later, he was walking back into the waiting room, closely followed by a different doctor who was staring up at him with wide eyes. “Miss Hartson?” she said breathlessly.

“Becca.” She stood, Cam and Tanner flanking her.

“I’ve just come on shift, so I haven’t had much time to see Mr. Carter yet, but everything I’ve seen is looking good. We’ll be giving him some breakfast soon, then we’ll take him for a scan. If all is clear, he’ll be released to go home.”

“Can Becca see him now?” Gray asked.

“Let me see what I can do. We don’t usually allow visitors in before rounds.”

Gray smiled, and the doctor’s chest lifted. “I’d be so grateful if you could help my sister,” he said, his voice low and graveled. “She’s been here all night waiting to see him.”

The poor woman put her hand on her chest. “Of course,” she said breathlessly. “Give me five minutes.”

Gray’s expression was smug as the doctor hurried out of the door. “And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you get what you want.”

“It’s how you get it,” Tanner said. “The rest of us have to wait our turn.”

“I don’t.” Cam shrugged. “Gray’s way has always worked for me.”

“And for me.” Logan grinned. “We learned it from the best.”

Becca patted Tanner’s arm. “Don’t worry, it doesn’t work for me either.”

Tanner huffed. “Hey, are you going to eat or what? That McMuffin must be freezing by now.”

“You have it.” Becca passed him the bag. “Your need is greater than mine.” She rolled onto her tiptoes and pressed a kiss against his cheek. “I’m so glad you’re here.” She looked around at them, circling her like they were her bodyguards. “I’m so glad you’re all here,” she told them. She hadn’t known how much she needed her brothers until they turned up.

“Yeah, well we wouldn’t let you do this alone. And we’re worried about Daniel, too.” Logan shrugged. “Who’s gonna herd my pigs for me if he’s not around?”

Cam sniggered, and Becca arched an eyebrow at him.

“Seriously. If he’s the guy you want, that means he’s one of us.” Gray rubbed her shoulder. “And we’ll be here for as long as you need us.”