Nina gave her a hug.

“You should go, too,” Becca told Mia. “Cam will be worried.”

“Come home with me,” Mia urged. “I’ll bring you back tomorrow.”

Becca shook her head. “I’m staying.” The thought of going home to her empty condo made her feel ill. She wanted to be where he was. Even if she couldn’t see him, it gave her comfort to know they were beneath the same roof.

Half an hour later, Eliana came back, her eyes heavy and weary. “He’s asleep,” she told Becca, who was sitting alone. The waiting room had thinned out. “Why don’t we go back to my house and get some sleep, too?”

Becca shook her head. “I’ll stay.” There was no way she was leaving. She wanted to be near him, however stupid that sounded.

“I’d stay, too, but my bones are too old for these plastic chairs.” Eliana kissed her cheek. “Please call me if anything happens.”

“I will.”

“Thank you for being here. Daniel cares for you a lot.”

“He does?” Becca’s eyes watered.

“Yes. I wasn’t lying when I told you he was agitated tonight. I don’t know what happened between you, but I haven’t seen him like that before. My cool, calm, and collected boy in a mess over a girl.” Her lips curled. “And such a beautiful, lovely girl at that.” She cupped Becca’s cheeks with her palms. “Try to get some sleep. He’ll need you tomorrow.”

“I will.” She’d already folded her jacket into a makeshift pillow. She’d curl up over a couple of chairs and wait.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

“Should we wake her up?”

“I think we should. We don’t want her McMuffin to get cold.”

“I’ll eat her McMuffin if she doesn’t want it. I’m starving.”

“Get your hands off Becca’s breakfast. You’ve already eaten two of the damn things.You don’t need a third.”

“I’m having a baby. I’m eating for two.”

“Van’s the one eating for two, not you, numbnuts.”

“Well she’s not keeping anything down. So really I’m eating for three. Give me that damn McMuffin. The baby needs it.”

It took two blinks for Becca’s eyes to open. They were stuck together with what felt like glue. She ran her tongue along her dry lips and tried to sit up, her muscles aching from being curled against plastic for hours.

All four of her brothers were leaning over her. Gray was holding a McDonald’s bag, and Logan had a tray of coffees in his hands. Tanner was leaning over his shoulder, staring at Becca with wide eyes.

And Cam was Cam. Silent and strong.

“What are you all doing here?” she asked, her voice raspy from sleep. She managed to sit up, her socked feet hitting the cold tiled floor.

“We heard you’d decided to hang out at the hospital. Thought we’d bring you some breakfast.” Gray held the bag out to her.

“What time is it?”


“How did you guys get here so early?” The room was flooded with early morning light, forming a halo behind her brothers’ heads. It made her want to smile, because those four definitely weren’t angels.

“Gray drives like a maniac.” Logan shrugged. “We stopped to get some breakfast though, because none of us can stand Tanner’s bitching.”

“Cam was hungry, too,” Tanner protested.