In what state, she had no idea.

“I’ll drop you at the entrance then park,” Mia said, as Becca shifted in her seat again. “Go straight to him. I’ll find you.”

“You don’t need to stay.”

“I’m not leaving you alone.” She pressed her lips together as she drove around the circle to the entrance. “Now go find him, okay?”


The Emergency Room was full of Saturday night casualties. Mostly alcohol related, from the sound of slurring words and wails. At the front desk, the receptionist directed Becca to a family waiting room on the far side. When Becca walked in, she saw Eliana sitting there, Nina holding her hand.

They both looked up as Becca approached, and Eliana patted the empty seat beside her.

“Is there any news?” Becca asked her.

“He’ll be okay. They’re treating him now.” Eliana breathed out heavily.

Becca pulled her lip between her teeth. “Do they know what happened?”

“They found his car on the shoulder of Route Sixty. He’d crashed into a tree. When the EMTs got there he was unconscious, his head against the deflated airbag. They gave him a glucose injection and brought him straight in.” She squeezed Becca’s hand. “He was coming to see you. To apologize for the things he said.”

Becca’s eyes stung. “Do they know what caused the accident?”

“He was hypoglycemic. He must have injected himself but then forgotten. He ran out before dinner was served. He was so worried about you. So angry with himself. He could barely sit still he was so agitated.”

“This is my fault,” Becca whispered. If only she’d stayed.

“No, it isn’t.” Nina gave Becca a sympathetic smile. “Daniel’s a grown man. He knows how to manage his diabetes. And this isn’t the first time we’ve been here for him, is it?”

Eliana sighed. “No, it isn’t.”

“And some of that’s because Dad refused to see it as a disease.” Nina’s eyes met Eliana’s, and some unspoken communication passed between them.

“He was wrong,” Eliana said gruffly.

“Yeah, he was.”

Finally, a weary doctor finally walked into the waiting room. “Mrs. Carter?”

Eliana looked up. “I’m Daniel Carter’s mother.”

The doctor walked over, her hair pulled into a tight black ponytail. “Is this your family?”

“Daniel’s sister and his girlfriend. And her friend.” Mia had come in shortly after Becca, and had been holding her hand in support ever since.

“I’m Doctor Nixon. I’m pleased to tell you that Daniel is stable. We’ve gotten his blood sugar levels under control and treated his wounds. His injuries are mostly superficial. I want to monitor his levels overnight and send him for a brain scan in the morning to make sure his hypoglycemia hasn’t caused any damage. But there’s nothing for you to worry about, all the signs are looking good.”

“Can I see him?” Eliana asked, her breath catching.

Doctor Nixon looked at the four of them. “Yes, but only you. It’s late and most of the patients will be asleep. I suggest you all go home and do the same. Then come see Daniel

in the morning.”

Eliana nodded. “You should go home,” she said to Nina. “Thank you for staying to take care of me.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, darling. I’m sure. I’ll call you if there’s any change.”