Her lips parted.

“But then there’s part of me that knows I let you walk away not just because I was pissed, but because I was scared.”

“Maxim,” she whispered, taking a step forward so there was only a couple of feet between us, and I knew that what I would say next would determine if she’d come the rest of the way.

“You love me, Evangeline.” It was a declaration, not a question.

She nodded.

“That’s not something I’ve said to anyone who isn’t blood relation to me, not in the way you mean it.”

“I know,” she whispered.

“It’s a word that’s used too often as an excuse or an explanation, a word that can both manipulate someone…or set them free.”

She inhaled in a rush.

I took one step and picked up her hand, placing it on my chest. “You left because I didn’t say it back to you. And I wasn’t going to say it then, even if I had felt it. It would have been a bandage over the wound that article caused. And all I’ve been able to think about this last month is how…stupid we are.”

“What?” she exclaimed, her eyebrows shooting up.

“We let a fight end this,” I used her hand to pat my chest. “We let a stupid freaking article come between us. We let my inability to say a word split up the best thing I’ve ever had—the best thing I ever will have.”

Her shoulders dipped and her eyes softened.

“So I’m standing here, asking you to give this another shot, Evie. I’m asking you to trust me when I say that you’re the only woman I’m ever going to want. I’m asking you to stay even when people say shit that we both know isn’t true. I’m asking you to take the media with a grain of salt, or ask me before you make assumptions. I’m asking you to have faith in me, faith in yourself, and faith in us. And I know it’s a lot to ask, but I don’t know what else to do, because we’re both fucking miserable without each other and I’m in love with you.”

She bit into her bottom lip as tears shined in her eyes.

“I’m in love with you, Evangeline, and I’ll say it as many times as you need to believe it.” Just speaking the words made my chest feel lighter, my heart pound faster.

“You’re going to miss your game,” she whispered.

“Yeah, that’s pretty much a given since it starts in a couple hours and I’m all the way across the country.” My fingers laced with hers over my chest. “Did you hear me? I love you.”

“It’s game six!” she cried out. “If the Reapers win tonight you’ll miss it! And if they lose, you’ll blame yourself!”

“Yes, and probably,” I said with a shrug. “I love you, Evie.”

“But it’s everything you’ve been working for. You can’t be here!” A tear slid down her cheek, and I lifted my other hand to brush it away with my thumb. Her skin was so soft, and she felt so right that I could hardly breathe around the feeling.

“Didn’t you hear me before? You’re here. And I can honestly say there is nowhere else I would rather be.”

“This conversation could have waited until tomorrow.” Her brow furrowed in worry.

“Yeah, but then you wouldn’t know how much I love you, and I wouldn’t know that I’m strong enough to tell my dad to go fuck himself, strong enough to be the man you need.”

“But…” She shook her head. “Are they going to fire you?”

I cringed. “I’m going to pay out the ass for this in fines, but I’m hoping Asher will keep me around.” The guys were going to fucking murder me, but I wasn’t going to think about that right now, because if she said yes, then it didn’t matter what anyone else thought. “Especially because I want to stay close to you.”

She leaned into my palm.

“You’re killing me here, Evangeline,” I whispered. “I know I’m asking you to risk your heart. I know I didn’t protect it like I should have. I know I’m asking you to expose yourself to a level of scrutiny you despise, and I know I should have reassured you every second of every day. What I’ll do this time if you just give us another shot. Because if we were back in that hotel room in Chicago, I would say that yeah, there were some girls before you, but I know there’s not going to be anyone after you, and you don’t just measure up against them, you blow them out of the fucking water. I love you, and I know you love me, too, so be brave with me.”

Her eyes searched mine, and her lips parted.

My breath froze in my lungs.

My case had been pled and argued.

It was all in her hands now.