“It’s comfortable,” he deadpanned. “Plus, you know what I like to wear under it.”

He was right. I did remember. Nothing.

“Why have I been summoned?”

“Two points of business. Firstly, I need an answer about Stamos.”

So business-like, almost bored—and yet Arvo was discussing whether he should murder his ostensible friend. It was like he was deciding whether to close an old bank account with little cash in it. For a moment, all the passion I’d carried in the core of my body evaporated, and I felt nothing but loathing for Arvo. He was pouring poison in my ear, turning me against Sol. . . .

But just as quickly as my attraction to him dissipated, I felt it form again within me. It was like my body was in rebellion, refusing to let me detest Arvo for the conniving prick he was.

“I won’t give you my approval,” I replied.

“You have to, Biba. He will—”

“He’ll what? You are the only person saying he’ll hurt me. He’s never been anything but gracious—”

“How do you think killers act? He’d going to be nice right until the moment he cuts your throat.”

“Says you!”

“Don’t believe me, Biba? Talk to Amelia. She was a student here when this all went down. The false accusations, the expulsions, all of it.”

I froze. Amelia knew the old Kings when they were students here? Of course! Peter Williams insisted she be installed as headmistress. They knew each other from their time together in the 80s.

“I will ask her then,” I said. “And what’s the other point of business?”

He took a long, luxuriant draw from his chalice and stared pensively at the ancient stonework above.

“Oh, my darling, we have been so unlucky in love, haven’t we?”

“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.”

“Don’t you? Fucking Theo Brant interrupting us yesterday, just as you were closing in on your reward.”

“What makes you think I was so close?”

He ignored the question, rising from the throne and pacing calmly around the hall. His sunburst robe billowed as he walked.

“I don’t blame you,” he continued absently, “for fleeing our little squeeze in the pool. It was sudden and public, and I’m sure you had doubts about being with a King besides Z.”

“You’re very sure of yourself.”

“It’s crazy, isn’t it? Even our ritual last term—right in this hall—was interrupted before you and I could consummate our part of the game. Do you ever think of that night, Biba? I dream of it. How beautiful you looked. Our ceremonial ointment seeping into every pore, turning every square inch of your skin into an erogenous zone. I can still see you on your knees, sucking greedily on my balls as I jerked myself. I wanted you so fucking bad.”

I was beginning to feel fluttery, lightheaded. I knew the moment I entered this room what I would do. I also remembered my ritual with the Kings and wanted that feeling back.

“Why don’t you take me?” I asked breathlessly. “The Kings share everything, don’t they?”

“No,” he growled, stopping a couple of feet from me. “I don’t want to borrow you from the Kings or ask Zephyr’s permission. I want you.”

So that was it, I realized. Arvo’s advances were not some Machiavellian strategy. He wanted me as badly as I wanted him. Knowing that, I felt enormous power and control. I would take him, satisfy myself with his body, and see that I could control him after.

“Take off your robe.”

Arvo unclasped the satin and let it slide to the floor. The torchlight illuminated every defined muscle on his pristine body. His strapping chest and shredded abs seemed to dance in the flickering light. He stood at perfect attention, unmoving, presenting himself to me. And I was ready to devour him.

There was a lot to consume.