I start to open the door out of habit but then pause before revealing Rose. “What do you want?”

She waves at the house. “To go inside before I get frostbite on my nipples, how about that?”

I scowl. “So ladylike, much sophisticated.”

That earns me an eye roll. “Well, big brother, I’m here to see you, so let me the fuck inside.”

Rose is holding my bicep now, behind the door, staring off into space as she listens. I risk a glance her way, and she mouths, “Your sister?”

With another sigh, I make sure to keep my body there so she can’t get around the frame and invite the menace of my family inside herself. “You should leave, Selena. This is supposed to be a safe house. No one is supposed to know where it is.”

She grins. “Kind of difficult when I’m the one who brokered the sale on your behalf. Or did you forget you owe me big time?”

To be fair, I had forgotten she was the one who purchased the cabin, but I didn’t think she’d ever show up here. I haven’t seen Selena in years, not since she took over the council in Chicago. It allowed my parents to retire on a tropical island, and for me and my other sister, Julia, to hide in the shadows while Selena took center stage.

Neither of us minded one bit. We’re both made for the shadows.

“What are you really doing here, Selena?” My patience is wearing thin, so asking her directly is the only way to get a straight answer out of her these days. Every time I talk to her, it’s political climate this and what’s best for our people that. “Don’t you have a coup to organize or something?”

She shivers, wrapping her arms around herself, drawing the heavy gray fur coat tighter. “If you won’t let me in, then I’m going to force you.”

I don’t have time to think about the words before she’s shoving past me into the living room of the cabin. I spin, and she eyes the gun still clutched in my hand. “Really. Are you going to shoot me, Kai?” She cocks her head to study the weapon. “With a nine mill no less? I at least deserve a forty-five for having to stand in the snow for ten damn minutes.”

Her gaze shifts to Rose, who is partially hiding behind me, partially peeking around my arms. “And who might you be?”

I don’t answer, and when Rose opens her mouth, I step between the women. “You need to leave. You know you shouldn’t be here in the first place.”

She sweeps her fur coat open and out so she can sit down, her back against the couch, her legs crossed, one over the other. At least she’s wearing boots, even if they are thousands of dollars and couture. “I’m not leaving until we’ve had a chance to chat and catch up.”

I glare first, then shake my head. “I’m great. Things are good. It’s time for you to leave now.”

“Not going to cut it, Kai, and you know it.” She sits forward and shucks the coat, then stands and skirts the couch to get a look at Rose. “Did you kidnap this sweet, little thing?”

Rose stiffens and then glares at my sister. Maybe she has more sense than I give her credit for.

Selena holds her hand out, which Rose reluctantly shakes. “I’m Selena Aquila, Kai’s sister.”

“Little sister,” I amend.

She rolls her eyes, still staring at Rose. “Well, if maturity level is anything to go by, then I’m the older one.”

Rose stares between us as we bicker.

I grab her coat and shove it toward her. “Time to go.”

When she doesn’t move to the door, I walk to it and throw the coat out into the falling snow. “How about now? Need to go rescue that, I’m sure it shouldn’t get wet. Not with this blizzard coming.”

She crosses her arms until I have to close the door again to keep Rose from shivering in her pajamas beside me.

“I told you, I’m not leaving yet. We need to talk, catch up.”

I put the gun on the mantel and cross the room again to face her properly. Lord knows Mom would kill me if I shot my sister, even if she deserves it. “Why are you here? What do you really want?”

She studies me for a moment and then Rose in her pajamas. “I didn’t get her name.”

“That’s because she didn’t give it to you. Answer my question.”

A small smile plays at the corner of Rose’s mouth. Enough to make me shoot her a glare too. “Don’t smile. This isn’t funny. She could have been followed. Hell, she could have been paid to murder you, and I wouldn’t be able to do a damn thing about it.”