I smile, drag her into me from the small of her back, and wrap my legs underneath her. “Are you ready?”

She nods once and holds my shoulders. I use my abs, my thighs, my hips, everything to pound into her from below, and when my cock drags over her sensitive clit, I keep a steady rhythm there. “Are you going to come on my cock like a good little girl?”

Her nod is her only answer as she’s biting her bottom lip to keep from screaming.

When she starts to clamp around me, a whimpering sound escapes her, then a mumbled, “I’m coming. I’m coming.”

I don’t hold myself back anymore. It takes a moment to get there, but the wet hot glide of her, and the rhythmic pulse of her own orgasm is enough to shove me over the cliff. I press my forehead into her shoulder as I ride out the wave of pleasure, letting it fizzle slowly, coming back to myself.

I’m still a bit hazy, and now my legs feel like rubber, but overall, I wasn’t hurt. That’s good. The last time, she spared me nothing. I suppose the councilwoman didn’t have me long enough this time.

“Hey,” Rose whispers against my mouth. “I’m right here. It’s me you’re with. Stay with me. Right here.”

I nod, dragging the clean scent of her into my lungs. “My Rose.” She’s so perfect.

The door opens a second later, and I’m so groggy that the man walks into the room before I can react and wrap myself around Rose. “Who are you?”

He studies the scene, coming in and out of focus for me. “Well, this looks positively barbaric.”

Something about him seems familiar. He’s tall, as tall as Adrian. His suit rivals one of my own, and the perfectly styled dark curls on his head lead me to only one answer. “You’re council.”

He nods and crouches to look at the council woman’s chest. “Did you do this?”

Rose opens her mouth, but I shake my head. “Yes, I did it.”

He wipes his hands on her silk robe and stands to face us again, his hands tucked into his pockets. I’m forgetting something with the drugs and the sex clouding my brain. It hits me a second later. He’s the councilman Andrea took for ransom when we saved Adrian.

“Who are you?”

He moves to the bodyguard. “Don’t worry about that right now. The only thing you need to worry about is getting out of here.”

As if on cue, Adrian and Michail burst into the room, coming up short behind the immaculate councilman. He waves toward the bed, and Adrian moves first. Rose’s face goes even more red to match the blood dotting her skin as she slides off me and dives for her pants. “No one look at her, not one fucking person look at her.”

Adrian grabs me under the arms. “You’re the naked one, Kai. No one is going to be looking at her, trust me.”

I’m covered in blood, but it’s smeared like someone has fingerpainted my skin with it, and in a way, I guess she has. It feels like a claiming, and I don’t hate it, especially not as I step over the councilwoman’s corpse to reach the door.

We pause at the entry, Adrian studying the council member. “What do you want?”

His focus is on the bodies again. “Nothing you can give me. I’ll take care of this. Get your friend out of here. I can’t say many will be sad to see her gone.”

I can agree with that. Rose rushes forward to Michail’s side, then through the door first. A second later, we are following, Adrian still scowling, no doubt trying to figure out what the councilman wants and why he’s helping us to begin with. All good questions, but none my drug-addled mind can deal with at the moment.

I sink into my friend’s hold and let myself be carried out of those dark dungeons and then gently laid in the back of an SUV. Rose settles my head on her soft thigh, stroking my cheek. “You’re safe,” she says again.

I clutch her hand, trying to tell her all the things crowding my mind right now. So many words I can’t say, not with so many people watching us.

Rose squeezes my hand back and addresses my friends. “What will happen now? Will they send me back to that place for killing her?”

I open my mouth to explain the rules, but nothing comes out. Adrian answers in my silence. “No, the season is currently open, so what you did is, by our laws, perfectly acceptable. Even more so when the news spreads about how it happened. But we’ll have to keep a close eye on you. Rather, Kai will have to. Others will see you as a threat and seek to get rid of you before you can get rid of them.”

This makes her laugh. “The only threats I intend to neutralize are the ones who come for me and mine.”

Pressure sits on my chest at her words. She fits right in with our family; she just has no idea yet since she doesn’t know them. We’d all do anything for each other.

Michail meets my eyes in the mirror, nodding his approval. He doesn’t need to know she was mine from the moment I carried her out of Novak’s house and deposited her into the doctor’s waiting arms. She opened her eyes then and whispered Valentina’s name. Even dying, she wanted to save her cousin, her sister, from suffering.

Looks like fate intervened several times in her life, for both good and bad.