I turn to face the guard, give him a smile, and shoot him in the head. He hits the floor with a loud thud, and I face the woman again. “Now, let’s have a real conversation.”

She inclines her head, finally a bit of wariness in her gaze. “By all means, what do you want to talk about?”

I face Kai and hope he can hear me. “Kai, wake up for me. I’m going to get you out of here. Just hang on for a second while I deal with this.”

The council bitch, with her spider thin body in her black silk robe, still seems a little too unconcerned about me. I don’t like it because if she is indifferent, she’s unlikely to negotiate for what I want.

“What did you give him?”

With a sigh, she shrugs again. “Maybe a little Viagra to make sure he has the stamina I need to get what I want from him.”

I want to press the gun into her mouth and watch her brains explode out of the back of her head right now. It’s unreal how vibrant the fantasy of it is in my mind. I didn’t get to kill Sal, but I sure as hell can kill this woman who hurt Kai. And I don’t think I’d feel a single bit of remorse for it.

The guard, maybe, since he was just doing his job. But this bitch? No. I’ve got no fucks, and I’m not even going to try to find any.

“You are a piece of shit. I hope you know that. You couldn’t go out and find a willing man? You have to take what you can’t have.”

She stares at me, bored, which only makes me angrier.

I point toward Kai. “What do you even want with him? He’s the second in command to your enemy, and he’s a dick about half of the time.”

Now her red mouth turns up in an unhinged smile. “Well, the other half of the time is worth the attitude, and if I really don’t like them, I just keep them drugged until they are of no use to me.”

“You mean if they can’t get it up anymore, right?”

“Your words, not mine. I was trying to be kind.”

I shake my head, licking my lips, giving myself touchstones so I don’t pistol whip this bitch in her too-thin face. “You are disgusting. Trash. I hope you know that.”

“That would be your opinion, young lady, but I’d watch how you speak to your councilwoman. You are, after all, still under my jurisdiction, Rose Barone.”

It’s chilling that she knows my name when Kai didn’t even know it before. “What did you plan to do with him? Keep him locked here or use him and kill him?”

She turns her attention to Kai, creeping closer to him. I nudge her shoulder with the muzzle of the gun. “Nope, not in this lifetime. Back away.”

“To answer your question, I planned to just play with him a little bit. It’s so much fun to break the ones who think they are the strongest, and trust me, dear, they all break.”

I don’t need to trust her. I’ve seen it, felt it, and I wouldn’t allow her to do that to another person ever again. She just hasn’t figured it out yet.

She shifts a little bit, and I realize too late she’s within touching distance of him. When she lifts her hand, I raise mine, pointing the gun at her face again. “Don’t even think about it.”

“He was my little play toy before he became yours.” She wraps her bony hand around his calf, so I point the gun and shoot her in the leg. For someone so thin, she goes down like a sack of rocks, hitting the floor almost as loudly as the bigger guard.

“I did tell you not to touch him.”

She glares up at me, her hand clamped on her leg. It’s interesting that she seems unfazed otherwise. “You are just a whore for rent, disposable. I’m the real deal,” she says, her tone dripping ice. “You can do what you want to me, but you’ll be caught, you’ll be punished, and he will join you.”

I shrug. “And your little dog too.”

This makes her curl her lip at me. Oh, someone is touchy about her age then. Good to know.

“You can stand if you’re able, but if you put one more finger on him, I will kill you. Now, was it just you who used him, or did you call your friends and let them have a turn too?”

For a second, she seems confused before she clears her features to indifference again. “I’m not sure what you are implying.”

“All psychos are the same. Some of you like to share your…toys. I just wanted to make sure I didn’t have another list of people to go hunt down after you.”

I stare down at the piece of human filth I am excited to end. She glares back at me and then lunges over the end of the bed to try to reach the gun. A few more feet and she might have made it, well, if I hadn’t already shot her.