“I took the name Novak when I was a child and moved in with Valentina and her father. I haven’t used that name since I was a little girl. It’s about time I take back who I am, don’t you think?”

My tongue feels thick in my mouth, and I lead her to the edges of the glittering ballroom. It’s still buzzing from her announcement, and I give way too many menacing stares to keep them from approaching us.

“Why is everyone staring at us?” she says after a few moments.

I glare around the room. “Probably because they know I’m a wanted man.” It’s a lie, but she’s been hard enough to get out of the house for months. I don’t want to spoil the one night she feels pretty and happy. Not with news that she’s an even more coveted jewel than her cousin.

We skirt the ballroom, and I lead her around to find a high-top table to lean on. At least until the council comes to collect us. She clutches me like she’s about to drift away on the wind without an anchor.

I study her while she watches the people. Damn, she’s so pretty. But a Barone. How had I not seen that coming? I’d researched her when she moved into my safe house, but the only things that came back were Novak’s name and assets. The dormant Barone dynasty is rich, richer than Adrian, richer than most of the council. No one can touch her in wealth if she officially claims her family title. It would also make her way too high-bred for the likes of me.

Sure, my family raised the council here, but we were a bunch of mixed-heritage people from two lesser members of their respective families. They loved each other, and that was enough for them. They didn’t need the power like my sister does.

It feels like an eternity of warning people off with my eyes until the council attendant comes to collect us.

Rose smooths her dress out. “Nervous?”

I shake my head and extend my arm. “I’m never nervous.”


“Never. It’s pointless. Why worry about something you haven’t screwed up yet?”

She gapes at me as we follow the attendant through a set of double doors into an antechamber.

On a raised dais sits my sister and the Chicago council, all in chairs like thrones. Leave it to my sister to make herself a queen. “What do we owe the pleasure, big brother?”

The doors close behind us, cutting us off from the crowd’s noise. I take a moment to catalog the council present, noting the lack of one of the men who usually sits here. Harvey something. “Can you decide the request without a full panel?” I ask, not wanting to show my hand until we know if she can even help or if she reveals she has already hindered us.

My sister shifts on her throne, her black dress shimmering in the overhead light faintly. “We have a majority here and enough that we won’t have a tie. That’s all it takes. If Harvey wants to be present for votes, he’ll show up to work on time.”

I eye my sister, unable to read her mood or the slight shine in her gaze. “Can we have a moment?”

She huffs and waves us out the door like a true queen would.

I march onto the dance floor and turn Rose in my arms. She falls into step perfectly, allowing me to lead. “What is it? Why did we walk in there and back out?”

It’s hard to explain to her that I have a bad feeling. “I’m not sure, but I don’t trust what’s happening right now.”



I fall into step with him so easily. It feels like I’ve been dancing my whole life. He expertly guides me around the floor, something telling me he’s done this way more than I have.

“Do you want to tell me what’s bothering you?”

His hands tighten on me, but he shakes his head. “I just have a bad feeling about this. Maybe we shouldn’t do this. We can leave now and find another safe house.”

I eye him, trying to figure out what’s got him spooked. I have never seen him rattled like this, and it’s starting to scare me. “How about I go get us some drinks?”

When I ease out of his grasp, he lets me go, and I head to the bar to grab a couple of whiskeys. A man approaches before I’ve even got my drinks.

“Ms. Barone. I’m Teddy Fairworth. We’ve not been properly introduced, but I thought I’d come over and say hello.”

I give him a stiff smile. “Hi.”

“I’m surprised to see you here, considering society thought you dead and your family line terminated.”