Movement caught my eye to the right, and it was Ethan shoving through the crowd, his body like a missile.

I jerked my head in the direction he was headed, and my breath hitched. Vic was striding toward the stage.

Toward me.

Our eyes clashed and locked.


Oh God. Vic. A wracking sob tore from my raw throat, and I trembled.

My heart pounded.

My gaze skidded to Ethan again. He was about to intercept. Vic had to notice him, but if he did, he didn’t seem to care. Even when Ethan grabbed his arm and blocked his path.

Vic’s eyes never left mine.

I scrambled into action, jumping off the front of the stage and barreling through the crowded tables. “Ethan,” I shouted. “No.”

There was no movement from either one, but Vic looked relaxed and unconcerned about the anger pulsing through Ethan. Or the fact that he had his hand on him.

Vic said something, and Ethan flinched before his hand dropped from Vic’s arm.

I ran over and pushed in between them with my back to Vic. “Ethan.” He hesitated a moment before his chin dipped and he looked at me. “I don’t need your protection, Ethan. Not from Vic.”

Vic’s hands settled on my hips, and my body shuddered. He didn’t say anything, but I knew he was telling me that he was there if I needed him. I glared at my brother. “You’re going to walk away and let this go.”

“Macayla, he stalked you and lied to you.”

I softened my voice. “That’s for me and him to work out. Not you. He came to my birthday once a year, Ethan. And I’d invited him.” Vic’s hands twitched on my hips, and I felt his warm breath against the side of my neck as he pressed his long length against me.

“For years,” Ethan blurted. “Do you know what he does for a living? He’s not good enough for you, Macadamia.”

I felt Vic’s body tense, but he remained silent. “Yeah, I do know what he does, and if I want to be with him, that’s my decision. I love you, Ethan, but if you try to tell me what I can and can’t do like Dad did, then you won’t be part of my life or Jackson’s.”

He swore beneath his breath and jerked his hand through his hair. “Macadamia…. Christ, you were assaulted, and it was my fault. I had the party. It was one of my fuckin’ friends. Fuck, I didn’t protect you. I can’t…. I just don’t want you to get hurt again.”

I placed my hand on his tatted forearm. “It wasn’t your fault, Ethan. But it wasn’t Vic’s either. I trust him, and I trust him with Jackson. The most important person in my life.”

He inhaled a breath, then nodded. He looked at Vic. “You going to do something about him?”


“I want in.” Ethan gazed down at me again. “You looked beautiful up there, Macadamia. Just like Mom, but even better. She would’ve been so proud of you.”

My chest squeezed. “Thanks.”

He turned and walked away.

Vic’s hands slid up from my hips so he could hook my waist and drag me into him. “Rainbird,” he whispered against my ear. “Baby. Fuck.”

“You’re here,” I said.

“Yeah,” he whispered against my neck, crushing me to him. “Team’s still on the other side of the world for another week or so. Your text came through when we had cell service again. Flew back as soon as I could. Can you leave now?”

I nodded. “Let me go grab my guitar and things.”

But he didn’t let me go. Instead, Vic kept his hand locked in mine as we collected my guitar off the stage, and then went behind the bar for my purse and jacket.