“Maybe coming here was a mistake,” I muttered, as I tugged at the cuffs of my dark blue jacket. “We could find all this stuff online, and it would be a lot more private.”

Lark looked disappointed, and I instantly regretted saying anything. “I’m sorry. I thought you’d like this place, and that you’d laugh at the name, and Big Ben, and the mannequin guards.”

“I enjoyed all of that.”

He watched me for a few moments while he tried to work out what could be wrong. Finally, he came up with, “It’s because of Seth, isn’t it? That’s why you want to leave.”

I didn’t know what to say to that, so I just shrugged. It made no sense that I was jealous, not when I was the one insisting I wasn’t ready for a relationship. I had no right to get territorial around him.

He interpreted my response a different way, though. “If you’re worried about seeing someone here who knows a lot of the same people that we do, I promise you Seth will be discreet. That’s a huge part of his job, actually. No matter what we buy, even if it’s the wildest thing in the whole store, I promise he’ll keep it to himself.”

“Okay.” I needed to get a grip. Since when was I even a jealous person? I took the sparkly purple dong from Lark and tried to lighten the mood by asking, “Is there really a market for dragon dick dildoes?”

“Probably. The size is all wrong, though,” he said with a smile. “It should be as big as my leg.”

I chuckled at that and returned the dildo to the table. “Show me what else this store has to offer.”

He led me to a room at the back of the building, which was more like what I’d imagined a sex shop to look like. It was windowless, the floor was black, and the dark red walls were lined with all types of leather items. There was a bench in the center of the room, and I took a seat while Lark did a show-and-tell.

“Let’s see if any of this floats your boat,” he said, as he picked up a pink collar and looped it around his neck.

“That’s not bad.”

“How about this?” He returned the collar to the shelf and picked up some sort of black harness, which he held up to his chest.

“That’s even better, but I think I’d have to see it on.”

He grinned at me and put it on over his sweater, then buckled it in the center of his chest. As he held his arms out to the sides, he asked, “What do you think? Imagine holding onto it while doing me from behind.”

I adjusted the front of my jeans as my cock showed me it had an opinion. “That sounds very hot, but don’t you already have something like that? You wore it with your angel wings when you were on camera.”

“This is the real deal, though. I made the other one out of three belts from Goodwill, and it’s all just hot-glued in the back. It wouldn’t hold together if we got wild with it.” He took it off and looked at the price tag. “Oh. Never mind. Now I remember why I made a harness, instead of buying one.”

I stood up and took it from him before he could put it away. “Do you like this?”

He nodded. “I’ve always wanted one.”

“Then I’ll buy it for you.”

“You haven’t even looked at the price.” I glanced at the eighty-nine dollar price tag and said, “That’s not a problem. Is this the one you like best? It looks like there are several options.”

“I don’t want to keep spending your money. You already bought me an expensive dinner.”

“I bought us dinner, which wasn’t that expensive. We’d both enjoy this, too.” He still hesitated, so I added, “I just really want to buy you something, not because I’m trying to impress you, but because it matters to me. Most of my income gets squirreled away into savings, and I’m tired of being so practical all the time. Let me splurge for once.”

I could tell he was thinking about it. When he reached out and ran his fingertips over another harness with two straps across the front instead of one, I asked, “Do you like that one?”

“Yeah, but more straps mean more money.”

“Will you please try it on?”

He took off his sweater before putting on the harness over his sheer, black tank top. “You have to picture it with bare skin,” he said, as he fastened the two buckles in the center of his chest. When he had it secured, he stepped back and held his arms out again as he asked, “What do you think?”

I ran my gaze from his sparkly boots up his strong, smooth legs to his little shorts, then up to the harness and past it to his cute face. Finally, I looked into his eyes and told him, “You’re so beautiful that you take my breath away.”

He grinned and ducked his head. “Thank you. But I was asking what you thought of the harness.”

I came up to him and skimmed his shoulders with the palms of my hands. Then I traced the straps across his chest as I said, “I love it, but the real question is, do you?”